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2011 - 04-18-2011 Reg. Meeting
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2011 - 04-18-2011 Reg. Meeting
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5/9/2011 2:19:23 PM
Creation date
5/9/2011 2:16:50 PM
Board of Commissioners
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. _ 9 <br />TAX MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATES, INCORPORATED <br />_ ►1D. <br />LEE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA <br />BUSINESS PERSONAL PROPERTY SERVICES CONTRACT ADDENDUM <br />This Contract Addendum is made and entered into this 1 13 — day of 2011 by <br />and between LEE COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of North Carolina, hereinafter referred <br />to as "COUNTY" and TAX MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATES, INC., a corporation authorized to <br />conduct business in North Carolina, hereinafter referred to as "TMA ". <br />WITNESSETH: <br />WHEREAS, COUNTY and CONTRACTOR have previously entered into an agreement dated <br />October I s `, 1996 for Business Personal Property Audits, and <br />WHEREAS, COUNTY and TMA desire to amend that agreement by this written Contract <br />Addendum while keeping in effect all terms and conditions of the original agreement. <br />THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements made herein, <br />the parties agree as follows: <br />1. ADDITIONAL SERVICES <br />In accordance to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, TMA agrees to provide business personal <br />property Discovery Services. Discovery Services shall generally mean the discovery of taxpayer business <br />personal property which was not subject to assessment and taxation as required under North Carolina law <br />due the taxpayer's failure to file a Return or Returns within the COUNTY. Pursuant to the aforementioned, <br />both parties shall agree to the following: <br />A. Services: "Discovery Services" will locate and record all businesses within the COUNTY statutorily <br />required to file a Business Personal Property Tax Listing Form ("Listing Form ") but are not presently <br />doing so. All businesses identified by COUNTY will be verified by COUNTY before they are added to <br />the COUNTY roll. Any business found to be operating in the COUNTY, but not filing the Listing <br />Form is known as a "Discovered Business" and refers to a "single physical location. <br />1. Collect electronic information from the COUNTY: COUNTY shall provide TMA electronic <br />copies of Listing Forms and commercial and industrial real parcel information for the tax year under <br />review. ''his information will include, for each business currently filing a Listing Form in the <br />jurisdiction, the business name, owner name, "doing business as" information, property address, <br />mailing address, parcel identification number, and other like information which may help TMA <br />identify unique business establishments and their locations. The electronic information provided to <br />TMA will be considered a full and final list, and all businesses discovered by TMA through the <br />Discovery Services which are not represented on this list will be considered Final Product as defined <br />in Section 1.6. <br />
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