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BOOR 16 PnE 5 <br />PRIORITY 4F Grade, drain, base, pave and erosion control - SR 1539 <br />from SR 1538 to dead end - 1.00 mile <br />Secondary Road Construction Fund <br />Estimated cost and allocation - $100,000.00 <br />PRIORITY 5F Grade, drain, base, pave and erosion control - SR 1147 <br />from SR 1146 to dead end - 0.60 mile <br />Secondary Road Construction Fund <br />Estimated cost and allocation $60,000.00 <br />PRIORITY 6F Grade, drain, base, pave and erosion control - SR 1141 <br />from SR 1140 to end of pavement - 0.80 mile <br />Secondary Road Trust Fund <br />Estimated cost and allocation - $80,000 <br />B. Retain approximately $11,207 of the Secondary Road <br />Construction Funds and approximately $39,607 of the Secondary Road <br />Trust Funds for a total of $50,814 for road additions, property owner <br />participation projects, rural volunteer fire department driveways, <br />county-wide surveys, overdrafts, and other small projects. <br />BE IT RESOLVED THAT, The Division of Highways of the Department of <br />Transportation proceed with these projects as far as right-of-way and <br />Secondary Road allocations for Fiscal Year 1995-96 will allow. <br />Adopted this 1st day of May, 1995. <br />Commissioner Wicker seconded the motion, and upon a vote, the results <br />were as follows: <br />Aye: Cox, Dossenbach, Garner, Moretz, Reives, Stafford and <br />Wicker <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />The Board considered a request from The Lee County Citizens For <br />Property Reevaluation and Tax Reform, Inc. Mr. Bob Anderson, <br />Chairman of the organization gave the Board a short overview of the <br />purpose of organization and asked that a conference room, with table <br />and chairs, be provided for members of his organization to review and <br />study the County Manager's records, Tax Assessors and Appraiser <br />Manager's records, and Minutes of the County Commissioners meeting <br />for the past year. After some discussion Mr. Anderson was instructed <br />to contact the County Managers Office to schedule a conference room <br />for this purpose. <br />The Board considered recommendations of the Planning Board. <br />Planning Director Trevis Averett told the Board the Planning Board <br />recommended approval of the petition by Max Hall to rezone 7.09 acres <br />of land on Steel Bridge Road. Commissioner Reives moved to approve <br />03 <br />3 <br />