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2011 - 03-21-2011 Reg. Meeting
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2011 - 03-21-2011 Reg. Meeting
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Last modified
5/5/2011 7:31:51 AM
Creation date
5/5/2011 7:30:18 AM
Board of Commissioners
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BOOK 23 w...1006 <br />i. The Grantee breaches any of the covenants or agreements contained in the Grantee Acknowledgment <br />and Agreement, or any of the representations and warranties made by the Grantee in the Grantee <br />Acknowledgment and Agreement is untrue as to a material fact. <br />j. The Grantee requests that the grant be rescinded or terminated. <br />It is anticipated that a grant will be rescinded if one of the reasons set forth above exists and no grant funds <br />have been disbursed. Where grant funds have been disbursed, it is anticipated that a grant will be rescinded <br />in the case of the more serious violations (including, without limitation, use of Foundation funds for some <br />purpose not contemplated by the grant or in violation of the Internal Revenue Code, or upon other <br />affirmative misconduct of the Grantee), and that termination of a grant will take place in the case of the less <br />serious instances of noncompliance. <br />If the Board of Directors of the Foundation determines that a grant should be rescinded or terminated, the <br />Foundation will notify the Grantee of that decision. In the discretion of the Foundation, where the Grantee <br />can correct the noncompliance, the Foundation may notify the Grantee that the grant is subject to rescission <br />or termination unless the Grantee, within thirty (30) days of the date upon which such notice is sent: (1) <br />remedies the situation in accordance with the instructions of the Foundation; (2) requests and receives an <br />extension of time within which to comply; or (3) requests and receives a modification of the terms of the grant, <br />and complies with the terms of the grant as modified. If the Foundation allows the Grantee the opportunity to <br />correct the noncompliance, no "further funds shall be advanced pursuant to tfie grant until the <br />noncompliance is remedied. <br />18. The Grantee shall not discriminate by reason of age, race, ethnicity, religion, color, sex, national origin, or <br />handicap related to the activities of a project funded by the Foundation. <br />19. All publicity and printed materials regarding projects or activities supported in whole or in part by this grant <br />should contain the following language: "This project received support from The Golden LEAF Foundation." <br />The Golden LEAF logo is to be displayed in all of the Grantee's publicity and printed materials relating to this <br />grant. Please contact Jenny Tinklepaugh (itinklepaugh(o�goldenleaforg for digital versions of the logo. <br />20. The individual signing below certifies his or her authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of the Grantee. <br />By executing this Agreement, the Grantee, to induce the Foundation to make this grant, makes each of the <br />representations set forth hereinabove and certifies that each of such representations is true, accurate and <br />complete as of the date hereof. <br />t <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantee has executed this Agreement thi day o v I , 2011. <br />Name of Grantee Organization (print): Lee County <br />Name of Person Signing (print): T.i n`la A. Shnnk Chni <br />Lee County Board of Commissioners <br />5 <br />
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