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aoun 16 ~,L ' 2~5 <br />Commissioner Reives seconded the motion, and upon a vote, the results <br />were as follows: <br />Aye: Dossenbach, Garner, Matthews and Reives <br />Nay: Cox <br />vote. <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted by a four to one <br />The Board considered resolutions for Mrs. Hazel Wicker and the <br />late Gordon A. Wicker. Commissioner Matthews moved to approve the <br />following resolutions: <br />WHEREAS, Gordon A. Wicker, a member of this Board, died on <br />Saturday, October 28, 1995; and <br />WHEREAS, Commissioner Wicker served on this Board from 1968 <br />until 1984 and from 1986 until the date of his untimely death; and <br />WHEREAS, during his tenure in office he was elected Chairman of <br />the Board in 1973 and 1989, and elected as Vice-Chairman in 1988, <br />1990, and 1992; and <br />WHEREAS , Commissioner Wicker was active in community affairs as <br />a merchant, church member, participant in civic organizations, and <br />patriot; and <br />WHEREAS, Commissioner Wicker is survived by Hazel Mansfield <br />Wicker, his widow; a daughter, Sandra Batchelor of Sanford; two sons, <br />Ronald G. Wicker of Raleigh and Gary S. Wicker of Sanford; two <br />sisters, Marie Chapin of Sanford and Nell Kelly of Broadway; and six <br />grandchildren; and <br />WHEREAS, Commissioner Wicker by his life gave an example of good <br />citizenship and dedicated public service and the Board of <br />Commissioners wishes to express the keen sense of loss they feel in <br />the death of their friend and colleague; NOW, THEREFORE <br />BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of Lee county as <br />follows: <br />Section 1. That it expresses its appreciation for the loyal <br />and dedicated public service rendered by the Honorable Gordon A. <br />Wicker to and for the people of Lee County. <br />Section 2. That it extends its condolences to the family of <br />the Honorable Gordon A. Wicker in the loss of their loved one. <br />Section 3. That this Resolution be made a part of the <br />permanent minutes for the November 20, 1995, meeting of this Board <br />003 <br />3 <br />