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. goon 16 255® <br />lands of Jimmy Dale Dickens (PIN 9537-65-1930-00; see Book 504, <br />Page 142) ; thence with the easterly line of the lands of Dickens in <br />a southeasterly direction to the northerly line of the lands of the <br />Beaver Creek Community Club (PIN 9637-65-3679-00; see Book 95, Page <br />722) ; thence with the northerly line of the lands of said community <br />club in a northeasterly direction to the northwesterly corner of <br />the lands of J.W. Frye (PIN 9537-77-6249-00; see Book 74, Page 49) ; <br />thence with the two northerly lines of the Frye land in a <br />northeasterly direction to the southwesterly corner of the lands of <br />AK&K Corporation (PIN 9537-78-5353-00; see Book 446, Page 320); <br />thence with the westerly lines of the lands of said corporation in <br />a northwesterly direction to the southwesterly corner of the lands <br />of Randy L. Todd (PIN 9537-78-1524-00; see Book 419, Page 344); <br />thence with the westerly line of the lands of Todd in a <br />northwesterly direction to the southwesterly corner of the lands of <br />Catawba Newsprint Company (PIN 9537-79-1615-00, see Book 331, Page <br />238); thence with the westerly line of said company's lands in a <br />northwesterly direction to its corner with the parcel identified as <br />PIN 9538-60-7733-00; thence with another of said company's line in <br />a northeasterly direction to another corner with the parcel <br />identified as PIN 9538-60-7733-00; thence as another line of said <br />company's lines in a northerly direction to the southerly line of <br />the right of way of SR 1174 (AKA Sellars Road); thence with the <br />southerly right of way line of SR 1174 in a northeasterly direction <br />208 feet, more or less, to the northeasterly corner of said <br />company's land; thence with the easterly line of said company's <br />land in a southeasterly direction to the northwesterly corner of <br />the lands of Raymond E. Davis (PIN 9537-89-3886-00; see Book 347, <br />Page 589) ; thence with the northerly line of the lands of Davis in <br />a northeasterly direction to the southerly line of SR 1175 (AKA <br />Pilson Road) ; thence with the southerly line of SR 1175 in a <br />southeasterly direction to the northerly corner of the lands of <br />Howard Tommy Weeks (PIN 9537-99-0845-00; see Book 379, Page 956) ; <br />thence leaving the right of way of SR 1175 and with the easterly <br />line of Weeks in a southeasterly direction to the northerly corner <br />of the lands of Paul E. Doby (PIN 9537-99-5844-00; see Book 319, <br />Page 230) ; thence with the easterly line of the lands of Doby in a <br />southeasterly direction to the northerly corner of the lands of <br />Janet 0. Doby (PIN 9537-99-8649-00; see Book 266, Page 457) ; thence <br />with the easterly line of the lands of Janet O. Doby in a <br />southeasterly direction to the northeasterly corner of the lands of <br />Sandy M. Godfrey (PIN 9537-89-9189-00; see Book 408, Page 547); <br />thence with the easterly line of the lands of Godfrey in a <br />southeasterly direction to the northerly line of SR 1166 (AKA <br />Nicholson Road); thence with the northerly line of SR 1166 in a <br />southwesterly direction to the southerly corner of the lands of <br />Edward W. Fawcett (PIN 9537-98-0278-00; see Book 542, Page 408); <br />thence in a southeasterly direction crossing SR 1166 to the <br />northerly corner of the lands of Francine J. Starnes (PIN 9537-97- <br />3596-00; see Book 553, Page 793); thence as the easterly line of <br />the lands of Starnes to the northwesterly corner of the lands of <br />Calvin A. Mellot (PIN 9547-15-5225-00; see Book 113, Page 457); <br />thence with the northerly line of the lands of Mellot in a <br />northeasterly direction to the northwesterly corner of the lands of <br />013 <br />