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1996 - 06-20-96 Ad Hoc Sub Committee
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1996 - 06-20-96 Ad Hoc Sub Committee
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3/25/2009 9:54:47 AM
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3/25/2009 9:54:19 AM
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Board of Commissioners
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0012 <br />d) Has a minimum of seven hundred (700) square feet of enclosed and heated living area; <br />e) Has the towing apparatus, wheels, axles, and transporting lights removed, and not <br />included in length and width measurements; <br />f) Has the longest axis oriented parallel or within a ten (10) degree deflection of being <br />parallel to the lot frontage, unless other orientation is permitted by the Board of <br />Adjustment following a public hearing; <br />g) Is is set up in accordance with the standards established by the North Carolina <br />Department of Insurance. In addition, a continuous, permanent masonry foundation or <br />masomy curtain wall constructed in accordance with the standards of the North Carolina <br />Uniform Residential Building Code for. One- and'IWo- Family Dwellings, unpierced <br />except for required ventilation and access, shall be installed under the perimeter. <br />h) Has exterior siding, comparable in composition, appearance durability to the exterior <br />siding commonly used in standard residential construction, consisting of one or more of <br />the following: I )vinyl or aluminum lap siding (whose reflectivity does not exceed that of <br />flat white paint); 2) cedar or.other wood siding; 3)wood grain, weather resistant press <br />board siding; 4) stucco siding; or 5) Brick or stone siding; <br />i) Has a roof Pitch minimum vertical rise of three and one-half (3 112) feet for each twelve <br />(12) feet of horizontal rum; <br />j) Has a roof finished with a Class C or better roofing material that is commonly used in <br />standard residential construction; <br />k) All roof structures shall provide an cave projection of no less than six inches, which may <br />include a gutter, and <br />I) Stairs, porches, entrance platforms, ramps and other means of entrance and exit are <br />installed or constructed in accordance with the standards set by the North Carolina State <br />Building Code- attached firmly to the primary structure and anchored securely to the <br />ground. Wood stairs shall only be used in conjunction with a porch or entrance platform <br />with a minimum or twenty-four (24) square feet. 'The use of wood stairs only is <br />prohibited at any entrance. <br />2) Class A: A manufactured home constructed after July L 1976 that meets or exceeds the <br />construction standards promulgated by the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban <br />Development that were in effect at the time of construction and that meet or exceed criteria (a). <br />(c), (d), (e), (g), (h), (i), (k), and (1) for Class AA manufactured dwellings above. <br />3) Class B: A manufactured home constructed after July 1, 1976 that meets or exceeds the <br />construction standards promulgated by the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban <br />Development that were in effect at the time of construction, and that meet or exceed criteria (e), <br />(g) and (h) for Class AA manufactured dwellings above. <br />4) Class C: Any manufactured home that does not meet the definitional criteria of a Class AA, <br />Class A or Class B manufactured dwellings above.. . <br />(E) MODI I A R D WET i ING. A dwelling constructed in accordance with the standards set forth in the N.C. <br />State Residential Building Code and composed of components substantially assembled in a manufacturing <br />plant and transported to the buil ding site for final assembly on a permanent foundation. <br />(F) Mt T TI-FAMTLY DWELT TNG. A building or portion thereof used or designed as a residence for three <br />(3) or more families living independently of each other with separate housekeeping and cooking facilities <br />ffor each, and includes apartment, townhouses and residential condominiums. <br />(G) PRINCTPAL DWELLING. Any principal building or structure which is used and designed for human <br />habitation including living, sleeping, cooking and eating activities excluding dormitories, hotels, motels, <br />shelters for the homeless or other structures designed for transient residents. <br />(H) ROOMING A room designed. occupied, or intended forocc upancyas separate living quarters with <br />sleeping, but not necessarily cooking and sanitary facilities provided therein. <br />JANUARY 1, 1994 page 2-6 <br />
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