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001.0 <br />-2- <br />9) Zone R.A. <br />• Do not allow Class A-B-C or BB manufactured homes (only AA) <br />Zone R.R. <br />• Allow no manufactured homes <br />Zone R.M. <br />• Allow AA - BB - A & B manufactured homes <br />10) Direct Planning Board and staff to develop plan to protect all the scenic drives <br />from being destroyed (4 months). <br />11) Change the average lot size through rezoning. Create new zones as follows: <br />• R.A. 1 - 40,000 square foot average (30,000 square foot minimum) - I acre <br />• R.A. 2 - 80,000 square foot average (65,000 square foot minimum) - 2 acres <br />• R.R. I - 40,000 square foot average (30,000 square foot minimum) - 1 acre <br />• R.R. 2 - 80,000 square foot average (65,000 square foot minimum) - 2 acres <br />• R.R. - 15,000 (water and sewer required) <br />• R.M. 1 - 40,000 square foot average (30,000 square foot minimum) 1 acre <br />• R.M. 2 - 80,000 square foot average (65,000 square foot minimum) 2 acres <br />• R.M. - 12,000 (water and sewer required) <br />12) Outdoor storage of over 4 immobilized vehicles (presently in R.R. and R.M.) <br />should be extended to R.A. and all other zones (except junk yards). <br />13) Direct Planning to recommend deleting signs or making workable section. <br />14) Provide Environmental Health zoning maps if you need to ensure property is <br />zoned before applying for health approval. <br />