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0035 <br />a'u-,P; 16 551 <br />WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the County of Lee desires to proceed <br />with the acceptance of the bid of American Geographic Data, Inc. and to award the <br />subject to said entity and to make provisions for execution of all documents necessary in <br />order to effectuate such award: <br />NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the <br />County of Lee that the bid for professional services for the County of Lee for addressing <br />for Enhanced 911 pursuant to all of those terms and conditions contained in the County's <br />request for bids shall be and the same is hereby awarded to American Geographic Data, <br />Inc. for the negotiated sum of $169,850.00, that the appropriate representatives of the <br />County of Lee shall prepare and otherwise provide all necessary contract documents and <br />issue required purchasing forms in order to effectuate such award, and that the County <br />Manager of the County of Lee shall be and he is hereby authorized to execute said <br />documents on behalf of the County of Lee upon review and approval thereof by the <br />County Attorney of said County. <br />Commissioner Cox seconded the motion, and upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Cox, Dossenbach, Garner, Groce, Matthews, Moretz and Reives <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />The Board considered a proclamation declaring September 28, 1996 as Hunting <br />and Fishing Day in Lee County. Commissioner Reives moved to approve the following <br />proclamation and Chairman Garner presented the proclamation to Mr. Merritt Robinson, <br />representing the Lee County Wildlife Association: <br />WHEREAS, for over 100 years hunters and anglers have been at the forefront of <br />the American Conservation movement, and <br />WHEREAS, American sports persons are the largest contributors to conservation <br />- paying for programs that benefit all Americans and wildlife through the payment of more <br />than 3million each day for conservation - contributing 91% of all the cost of wildlife <br />conservation and game law enforcement and support over 380,000 jobs through license <br />and excise tax revenue. <br />WHEREAS, members of the Lee County Wildlife Club contribute countless hours <br />of time for local conservation projects, and the Club provides leadership in conservation <br />and wildlife preservation through it's educational programs and projects, sponsorship of <br />hunter safety courses, and other youth and family activities, and through affiliation with <br />the North Carolina Wildlife Federation, provides support for wildlife conservation <br />throughout the state and nation. <br />4 <br />