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1996 - 10-21-96 Regular Meeting
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1996 - 10-21-96 Regular Meeting
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Last modified
3/25/2009 9:21:36 AM
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3/25/2009 9:20:56 AM
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Board of Commissioners
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® ® 0002 <br />600K 16 Prey 634 <br />WHEREAS, Hospice care in North Carolina offers a special way of caring for <br />terminally ill persons, enabling patients to live comfortably and peacefully in their final <br />days. By offering quality, professional medical care, as well as comfort and support to <br />both the patient and family, hospice affirms the inherent dignity and worth of every <br />individual; and <br />WHEREAS, across our state, more than 10,000 volunteers dedicate their time <br />and efforts to preserving that dignity by giving compassionate care to terminally ill <br />individuals and their families. With commitment and dedication, the professionals and <br />volunteers who serve terminally ill persons and their families through the concept of <br />hospice care should be commended; and <br />WHEREAS, for the past nineteen years, local hospice programs have offered <br />physical, emotional and spirtual support to these individuals and their families. Under the <br />direction of physicians, hospice cared for over 12,000 individuals and families in 1995 <br />using community volunteers and professional staff. Seventy-seven local organizations <br />provided hospice care in ninety-nine counties in North Carolina; and <br />WHEREAS, through the partnership between Hospice for the Carolinas and local <br />hospice programs, terminally ill patients and their families are assured of quality medical <br />care and strong emotional and spirtual support as they struggle to cope with difficulties <br />they face. As a result, our citizens approach the end of their lives in relative comfort and <br />dignity with competent and compassionate care outside the hospital environment. <br />NOW, THEREFORE the Lee County Board of Commissioners do hereby <br />proclaim November, 1996, as "HOSPICE MONTH" in Lee County, and urge our <br />citizens to commend its observance. <br />Commissioner Moretz seconded the motion and upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Cox, Dossenbach, Garner, Groce, Matthews and Moretz <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />The Board considered a resolution declaring Sunday, November 3, 1996, as <br />"SENIOR VACCINATION SUNDAY" in Lee County. Health Director Phyllis Lowry <br />presented the following resolution for consideration, which Commissioner Dossenbach <br />moved be approved: <br />WHEREAS, thousands of adults in this country are unprotected from diseases <br />such as influenza and pneumococcal pneumonia. More than 2,200 North Carolinas died in <br />1994 due to complications from influenza and pneumonia, and 90 percent of these persons <br />were 65 or older. Many of these deaths could have been prevented through vaccination. <br />2 <br />
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