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gong ig ~r ® 33 <br />• replace existing engine with a new rebuilt engine at a cost of <br />$6,626.75 with a two-year warranty on the engine <br />• do a complete remount at an approximate cost of $38,000.00 <br />No action was taken on the matter after much discussion took place. <br />The Board discussed defendants arrested for non-compliance charges. <br />Commissioner Reives had asked this item be placed on the agenda for discussion. County <br />Attorney K. R. Hoyle had left the meeting early and was not available for discussion. <br />Commissioner Reives asked this item be placed on the next work session agenda and Child <br />Support staff from Social Services be invited to participate in the discussion. No action <br />was taken on the matter. <br />There being no further business to come before the board Commissioner <br />Dossenbach moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:15 a.m. Commissioner Moretz seconded <br />the motion and upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Cox, Dossenbach, Groce, Matthews, Moretz and Reives <br />Nay: None <br />The Vice Chairperson ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously and the <br />meeting adjourned in keeping with the motion. <br />Bertha L. Matthews, Vice Chairperson <br />NORTH CAROJNA, LEE COU. Yy <br />presant for registratiGo/neon tft()] ey <br />recor!!r,! in Goo1r1.~--P898 <br />Nellie w Thomas, Register of Deeds <br />3 <br />