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0~9 <br />BOOK 16 Par 810 <br />• minutes of the February 17, 1997 meeting <br />• resolution to DOT to place a caution light at Edwards Road, <br />Greenwood Road and Swann Station Road (copy attached and by this <br />reference made a part hereof) <br />• grant pre-application to the Governor's Crime Commission <br />• tax releases and refunds for February, 1997 (copy attached and by this <br />reference made a part hereof) <br />• resolution declaring the week of April 12-19, 1997 as "Volunteer <br />Week" in Lee County <br />Commissioner Reives seconded the motion, and upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Cox, Garner, Mansfield, Matthews, Moretz, Paschal and Reives <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />The Board considered a resolution supporting the renovation and expansion of <br />The Institute of Government (Knapp Building) at Chapel Hill. Commissioner Matthews <br />moved to approve the following: <br />A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE RENOVATION AND EXPANSION <br />OF <br />THE INSTITUTE OF GOVERNMENT (KNAPP BUILDING) <br />WHEREAS, the Institute of Government since 1931 has made important <br />contributions to North Carolina's good government and its excellent financial management <br />by serving the entire state from its base in Chapel Hill; and <br />WHEREAS, the Institute's building has been inadequate and outmoded for many <br />years, which threatens its ability to maintain the highest quality of services for North <br />Carolina's public officials; and <br />WHEREAS, the 1994 General Assembly recognized the need for a renovated and <br />expanded building by appropriating $700,000 to plan necessary improvements and <br />additions to the Institute of Government; and <br />WHEREAS, the Institute has planned the necessary capital improvements that <br />will enable it to provide North Carolina public officials with the latest and most efficient <br />instructional technologies and a higher quality of service; and <br />WHEREAS, the necessary improvements will include a teleconferencing <br />classroom, a computer training room, increased classroom and office space, an expanded <br />2 <br />