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0 gaoK 16 PACE ?9 0 8 <br />Aye: Cox, Garner, Mansfield, Matthews, Paschal and Reives <br />Nay: Moretz <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted by a six to <br />one vote. <br />The Board considered a consolidated contract offered by the <br />State Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources for <br />FY 1997/98. Health Director Phyllis Lowry told the Board this was a <br />renewal contract that the Board approved every year. Commissioner <br />Reives moved to approve a renewal contract offered by the State <br />Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources for FY <br />1997/98 for the Health Department to receive $54,228 toward the <br />operation of all public health services. Commissioner Paschal <br />seconded the motion, and upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Cox, Garner, Mansfield, Matthews, Moretz, Paschal and <br />Reives <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />The Board considered a request from the Board of Education to <br />make $1,000,000 available to meet cash flow demands. County <br />Manager William Cowan discussed with the Board updated <br />information concerning this request. After some discussion, <br />Commissioner Paschal moved the following resolution be adopted: <br />WHEREAS, the Public Building Bond Act of 1996 has taken <br />effect and the Board of Commissioners of the County of Lee desires to <br />borrow money for the purpose for which bonds are authorized to be <br />issued by said Bond Act in anticipation of the receipt of a grant of a <br />portion of the proceeds of the sale of said bonds; NOW, THEREFORE, <br />BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the <br />County of Lee, as follows: <br />1. The maximum aggregate principle amount of notes to be <br />issued is $3,323,718. Negotiable notes, each designated "Public <br />Building Bond Act of 1996 Grant Anticipation Notes" shall be issued <br />for any portion of said sum so borrowed. <br />2. The Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of the <br />County of Lee is hereby authorized to fix, within the limits prescribed <br />3 <br />