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2009 - 02-16-09 Regular Meeting
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2009 - 02-16-09 Regular Meeting
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Last modified
3/24/2009 4:50:16 PM
Creation date
3/24/2009 4:48:48 PM
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Board of Commissioners
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BOOK 22 mE 658 <br />(1) Current Financial Situation. November sales tax revenues were down considerably from <br />the previous year; overall reduction is 8% when Medicaid swap is factored in; running 6% below budget <br />through November 2008. <br />(2) FY 2009-10 Budget. Departments and outside agencies continue to work on their 2009-10 <br />fiscal year budget requests. The Department of Labor's cost of living adjustment number in January (the <br />index used to figure COLD, amounts) was a negative .5 percent; therefore, employees will not receive a <br />COLA in next year's budget. All Departments have been asked to prepare budgets at their current level <br />of funding and have plans ready to reduce spending by 2% - 4%. Should be ready to discuss preliminary <br />numbers in late March or early April with the Board. <br />(3) Community College - Jonesboro Campus. The Health Department is considering closing <br />the Dental Clinic at the W. B. Wicker Campus. CCCC has been contacted and is interested in taking <br />over the space Lee County currently rents and possibly using the dental equipment that will no longer be <br />needed. CCCC has an interest in this as well as an interest in renting other parts of the facility. This <br />would allow the college to transfer some classes from the Jonesboro Campus to the Wicker Campus. <br />Discussions will continue as the budget process continues. <br />(4) Mid-Carolina Work Force Development Board. Lee County is part of a four-county group <br />that handles funds disbursed by the Federal Government under the Workforce Investment Act. These <br />funds are used to retrain or prepare displaced workers for other jobs that are open in these counties. <br />The other counties involved are Sampson, Harnett and Chatham. The funds disbursed on behalf of Lee <br />County go to the Employment Security Commission here in Sanford. Our system appears to be working <br />well. however, the other three counties appear to have issues with the funding. Their funds are handled <br />by internal departments to County Government in Sampson and Harnett and the Employment Security <br />Commission for Chatham. The other counties have raised concerns about how the money is allocated by <br />the Mid Carolina Council of Governments who handles the funds and disburses them to the appropriate <br />agencies. The Board will be kept updated as developments go forward. <br />(5) 911 Agreement with the City of Sanford. Chairman Hayes and Vice-Chairman Oldham <br />continue to work on this agreement with City representatives and are making progress. It is hopeful that <br />a beneficial agreement to both parties will be in place before the State's 911 Board meets on March 16`h <br />With no further business to come before the Board, Commissioner Reives moved to adjourn the <br />meeting. Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Dalrymple, Hayes, Kelly, Oldham, Paschal, Reives, and Shook <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously and the meeting adjourned at <br />7:20 p.m. 7Ai, (A (&J at <br />ATTEST: Richard B. Hayes, Ch ir. n <br />Lee County Board of Commissioners <br />
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