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0 ern <br />f360K 17 Frsf 1 ® <br />As a candidate for the Board of Commissioners I pledged four things - (1) <br />listen to the people, (2) try to get the facts on each issue, (3) be fair in my <br />deliberations and (4) vote for what I thought to be in the best: interest of the most <br />people in Lee County over the longest period of time. <br />Upon being sworn in office each member of the Board of Commissioners <br />took an oath to uphold the constitution and the laws of the United States and <br />North Carolina. <br />Before the vote is taken Madam Chair I wish to remind all present of the <br />facts as I understand them. If any are in error I welcome corrections. Pretty <br />much in order, the facts are: <br />(1) Tax Office did not receive a timely request for exemption from <br />the Church in 1996,- <br />(2) There is no record of an appeal on the value of the property <br />assigned for 1996; <br />(3) On May 28, 1997 the Assistant Tax Administrator sent a form <br />and allowed the Church ten days to return same; <br />(4) On August 11, 1997 the Tax Office received from the Church of <br />Christ of Sanford the application for property tax exemption with the "year" filled <br />in for "1996 and 1997". <br />(5) That form was dated February 17, 1997 and signed by Mike <br />Glenn, Trustee (which means it was signed and dated prior to the May 28th letter <br />and form sent: by the Assistant Tax Administrator). <br />(6) The Tax Administrator, on advice of the County Attorney, <br />recommended approval of the untimely application for 1997, but deny 1996. <br />(7) The foregoing facts brought us to the appeal through their <br />attorney at our November 1.7, 1997 meeting. On a four to three vote, we upheld <br />the Tax Administrator, County Attorney and County Manager. <br />(8) Shortly after that I received from another member of the Church <br />that I have known for a number of years and for whom I have the utmost respect, <br />a letter which among other things suggested we go the Institute of Government <br />and get an opinion. Primarily because of that letter I sent Professor Campbell a <br />letter on November 24, 1997 and all materials pertaining to the matter and asked <br />his opinion as to our legal authority to exempt the property for 1996. All of you <br />and some members of the Church received copies of my letter and Mr. Campbell's <br />