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80 D <br />Bou 17 PAGF 31 C n <br />Commissioner Moretz moved to approve the consent agenda, which consisted of <br />the following items: <br />• Minutes of the May 4, 1998 regular meeting <br />• Minutes of the May 4, 1998 closed session <br />• Budget Amendment # 05/ 18/98/24 (copy attached) <br />• Tax Releases and Refunds for April, 1998 (copy attached) <br />• Resolution regarding highway construction priorities for the greater <br />triangle region <br />• Resolution between Wachovia Bank and the County of Lee to establish an <br />account <br />• Foreclosure procedure for 1996 delinquent taxes <br />• Request to dispose of financial records in Finance Office <br />• Request for NC Department of Transportation to conduct a study to place <br />a stop light at the US #1 South and 15-501 and 15-501 North and Deep <br />River Road intersections <br />• Amended 1997-98 consolidated contract between STATE and Lee <br />County to subcontract for physician services <br />• Renewal agreement between David M. Griffith & Associates and the <br />County of Lee to provide professional accounting services <br />Commissioner Garner seconded the motion, and upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Cox, Garner, Mansfield, Matthews, Moretz, Paschal and Reives <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairperson ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />Commissioner Mansfield moved the cap of $1.5 million on the proposed new <br />Agribusiness Center be increased to $ 1.626 million and to add the one-hundred seat multi- <br />purpose room back in the plan. Commissioner Garner seconded the motion. After much <br />discussion, Commissioner Mansfield amended his motion to increase the cap from $1.5 <br />million to $1.7 million, and to work out all other details with the architect. Commissioner <br />Garner seconded the amended motion, and upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Cox, Garner, Mansfield, Matthews, Moretz, and Paschal <br />Nay: Reives <br />The Chairperson ruled the motion had been adopted by a six to one vote. <br />Mr. Reives stated he was not in opposition to the proposed project, but he did not support <br />the cost of the project. <br />2 <br />