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G0G <br />Obligation to Repay During Grant Performance Period <br />If, at any time during the Grant Performance, the Company fails to provide the <br />required health insurance, fails to meet the required %vaoe standard, fails to retain 825 <br />base jobs, or defaults under its CEDA, the Company will be in default of the <br />Agreement, will receive no further payment_ and will reimburse DOC the total <br />amount of the Grant funds previously disbursed. <br />Obligation Beyond Eligibility Closeout <br />a In order to retain Grant amounts disbursed, the Company must he in compliance <br />with CEDA requirements for 2014 and 2015, and specifically, the Company must: <br />o create and retain not less than 293 New jobs as reported in the Company's <br />2014 and 2015 .IDfG annual report, <br />o demonstrate the 128 project positions have been created by any <br />combination of the supplier, the company and the related member part}. <br />If created by the company or related member party, Ihey must he in <br />addition to the 325 targetjobs in the CEDA. and <br />o be in compliance with the CEDA <br />• a The Company shall reimburse DOC 52048 per job not created and retained, <br />promptly upon notice from the DOC of amount that must be repaid. <br />Statue and Guidelines Governing Grant <br />N.C. Gen. Star. 14311-1-37.70 et seq. <br />Guidelines And Procedures for Comminnent of Funds from the One North <br />Carolina Fund. <br />One :CC f 2nn Shen , }'. c_j 0 <br />