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Agenda Package - 01-31-11
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Agenda Package - 01-31-11
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3/25/2011 2:33:21 PM
Creation date
3/25/2011 2:30:11 PM
Board of Commissioners
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• WHEREAS, the Grant is accessary to enable the rctcntiun a eight hundred raetm Irvc (925) full -ume <br />_jobs consisting of (i) at lead eighn• six (86) di vu ion headquartets'ad nt in istrauce positions In Nor[It <br />Carolina, of the. nnlurr of the. Pnsuinns at the Can' htcility a[ the lime of [he Application, and (ii) at (cast <br />sewn hundred [hit ay nine (739) positions at the Sanford and Clayton facilities, co Ilectivcly, representing <br />the total number of employees the Cnpanv and Related Member Party had m these facilities at the time <br />of the \pplicationi <br />i A'Ii FREAS, the Grant is issued pursuant [o and subject 10 the [elms of N.0 Gcn, Slat.: Ir136- 437.70 <br />o/ soq. and the Guidelines and Procedures for Commitment of - Funds from the Onc Norih Carolina Fund <br />(the : Program Guidelines <br />NOW, TIA FR FPOI2B, in cmuidcralion nrll:e rCnticniztimte set Ihrth .^.have and the mutual <br />covenants and promises set forth below, the Companv and the :Applicam hereby agree as follows <br />1.0 PERFORMANCE CRI FERIA <br />I.) The Company and Related Member agree to make good faith cf1urts to undertake and operate in a <br />liniely manner the following projzct at the following location: <br />A fecility that ntmutfccnnes and assembles the Skid Sicci Loader and like machines (the <br />'`l-acil i[v " ) in nr around the City of Smhlnra in La;; Cnuniv. North (_;u'nlim (tile <br />'Project'). <br />All references herein to'Company° shall include the Relined Member Party, and required <br />Performance Criteria niav be perforated by either or both of the Compan and the Related <br />Member Party, which both agree to be bound by the obligations set forth herein, in respect thereof <br />provider howCVLr, dtat :III grant pzvntents shall be made to Caterpillar, Inc., as the Grantee. <br />• 13 fhe Company agrees to make gaud 1:11111 clfurls lu Ill s ill all I it_ curtail vperutivru and to maintain <br />a base level of eight hundred twenty tive (825) full- timcjobs consisting of(i) at least eighty six <br />(86) division headquaricnrndministntive positions in North Carolina, of the nature of the <br />positions m the Cary focility at the time of the Application, and (it) at least seven hundred [hire- <br />nine (739) positions at the Sanford and Clavion facilities (the "Current Jobs' ), in addition to am <br />Nov Jobs to be cleated at tine Facility as a pan of ;his Agreement. <br />The Companv agrees to make `loud faith pffuns to craal0 ;wd mi intrim as part of the Project, three <br />hundred mcmn five (32 5) New Jnhs_ as described in, the application to DOC (the 'Application ")_ <br />MU hundred furl lour ('44) of ,high ate intended to be cicatcd by Dcecmbtr J I. 2013. <br />'Ilie Nev, Jobs gill be nely jobs to North Carolina and cannot be exist ina North Carolina positions <br />or employees of the Company, the Related Member, or any of its related members or affiliates that <br />are transferred or shifted such that a previously existing North Carolina job, or ;I North Carolina <br />jnh Thal was not previously pan of the PrnjecL is counted towards per under this <br />ANrcemenl. <br />I A The Cumpam agrees to report job crearion on the part of a supplier which h cruse; to locate in <br />Nunh Carolina a; a result of the pruje❑ oclivity. The cunipan) will cause the snpplitr to cntcr an <br />agreement with respect to providing annual reports during the grain tern, in which it will <br />demonstrate and zcTuIN the number of jobs created, and that it provides its htcakels pith hculth <br />insurance for which the supplier pays at least 50%of the cost. <br />IS The average weekly .gage paid to employees in the New Jobs will equal or exceed Six I- hundred <br />Sixteen Dollar:; ($616) per ycck (;he "Wogc Standard' <br />• (Jut orlh(rrn :Gr,: I'unr!aerr.'n, ru r3 -5 11 );'1) <br />
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