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oLv 23 �AeE 973 <br />• Minutes from the February 22, 2011 quarterly joint meeting with Economic <br />Development; and ' <br />• Approval to apply for 2011 Community Waste Reduction Recycling Grants from <br />the NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources' Division of <br />Environmental Assistance and Outreach <br />Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Hayes, Oldham, Parks, Paschal, Reives, Shook, and Womack <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />Pursuant to N.C. General Statute 153A -52.1, Chairman Shook opened the floor for Public <br />Comments. The following signed up to speak and were allowed 3 minutes for comments: <br />1. Ms. Tamara Brogan, 2520 Waterford Ct., Sanford <br />2. Mr. Keith Clark, 212 Acorn Drive, Sanford <br />The Board considered an appointment to the Lee County Board of Health due to a recent <br />resignation. Clerk to the Board Gaynell Lee presented eight applications for consideration for said <br />appointment. Commissioner Reives moved to appoint Ms. Alice Hooker to the Board of Health. <br />Commissioner Richard Hayes nominated Mr. Doug Doris. Commissioner Reives moved to close <br />nominations. After voting, Ms. Hooker received five votes (Parks, Oldham, Reives, Shook and <br />Womack), and Mr. Doris received two votes (Hayes and Paschal). Ms. Alice Hooker was appointed to <br />fill the unexpired term on the Lee County Board of Health by a five -to -two vote. <br />The Board considered an appointment for an "alternate' member to the Library Board of <br />Trustees due to a recent resignation. Clerk to the Board Gaynell Lee presented two applications for <br />consideration. Commissioner Womack nominated Mr. James Lehmann to serve and Commissioner <br />Paschal nominated Mr. Bob Bridwell. After voting, Mr. Lehmann received five votes (Hayes, Parks, <br />Reives, Shook, and Womack) and Mr. Bridwell received two votes (Oldham and Paschal). Mr. James <br />Lehmann was appointed to fill the unexpired term on the Lee County Library Board of Trustees by a <br />five -to -two vote. <br />Strategic Services Director Don Kovasckitz discussed with the Board 2010 Census data and <br />statutes governing county redistricting and the process that must be taken. Mr. Kovasckitz stated the <br />county will have to redraw lines for the four Commissioner districts based on the recent census count. <br />The major factor in redistricting is population, and population must be in balance in the districts. The <br />county will have until September or October to redraw the lines. Mr. Kovasckitz further stated the <br />recent census results show Lee County's population jumped by 17% but officials feel the total may be <br />off a few thousand. Census numbers will be challenged since the count is much less than what was <br />anticipated. No action was taken. <br />The Board considered a Golden Leaf Foundation Grant in the amount of $1 million. Economic <br />Development Director Bob Heuts stated that in October 2010 the Lee County Economic Development <br />Corporation applied for a $1 million grant from the Golden Leaf Foundation that would be used to <br />purchase special made pallets used for shipping yarn worldwide and leased to Frontier Spinning Mills <br />for the life of the pallet. The grant will be used to purchase 8,500 sets of plastic pallets to be purchased <br />by Lee County and leased to Frontier Spinning. The 5 -year lease will begin in March 2011 and expire <br />in March 2016. Mr. Heuts stated a revised lease is being worked on by both sets of attorney's and will <br />2 <br />