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aoo 23 t,,L,1 9l4 <br />LOCAL GOVERNMENT GRANT AGREEMENT <br />THE ONE NORTH CAROLINA FUND <br />Applicant Name: Lee County Grant No. 0- 2010 -6194 <br />Project Name: Caterpillar Inc (with Caterpillar Logistics, Inc. as "Related <br />Member ") <br />STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA <br />COUNTY OF WAKE <br />GRANT AGREEMENT <br />This Agreement, effective the 5th day of August, 2010 by and between the County of Lee, North <br />Carolina (hereinafter referred to as "the Applicant'), and the North Carolina Department of Commerce <br />(hereinafter referred to as "DOC"); <br />WITNESSETII: <br />WHEREAS; the Applicant desires to stimulate and develop the local economy of its region, <br />alleviate the problems of unemployment and underemployment by creating and /or retaining jobs for its <br />citizens, and develop its local tax base; and <br />WHEREAS; the General Assembly has created the One North Carolina Fund to make funding <br />available within the State "to secure commitments for the recruitment, expansion or retention of new or <br />existing businesses:," and <br />WHEREAS; the General Assembly has authorized those funds to be used for installation or <br />purchase of equipment; structural repairs, improvements, or renovations to existing buildings to be used for <br />expansion; construction of or improvements to new or existine water, sewer, oas or electric utility <br />distribution lines or equipment for existing buildings; construction of or improvements to new or existing <br />water, sewer, gas or electric utility distribution lines or equipment for new or proposed buildings to be used <br />for manufacturing and industrial operations; and <br />WHEREAS; the Applicant has made application for funds in connection with a project <br />involvinl- a business or industry considering location m expansion within its area, in particular: <br />A facility that manufactures and assembles the Skid Steer Loader and like machines in or <br />around the City of Sanford in Lee County, North Carolina, with the goal of retainine 825 <br />existing North Carolina jobs, and creating at least 325 new jobs and $28.3 million in new <br />investment in the State of North Carolina (the "Project "); <br />