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23 -,Al,935 <br />EXHIBIT B TO COMPANY PERFORMANCE AGMEMENT <br />Provisions of N.C. General Statutes Addressing Public Records, Confidential Information, and Economic Development Projects <br />§ 132 -1. "Public records" defined <br />(a) "Public tecuid" or - public tecuNs` shall mean all ducwnenls, <br />papers, letters. maps. books, photographs, films, sound recordings, <br />magnetic or other tapes, electronic data - processing records, artifacts, or <br />other documentary material, regardless of physical form or <br />characteristics, made or received pursuant to law or ordinance in <br />connection with the transaction of public business by any agency of <br />Nonh Carolina government or its subdivisions. Agency of North Carolina <br />government or its subdivisions shall mean and include every public <br />office, public officer or official (Stale or local, elected or appointed). <br />Institution, board, commission, bureau, council, cepanment, authority or <br />other unit of government of the State or of any county, unit, special <br />district or other political subdivision of government. <br />(b) The public records and public information compiled by the <br />agencies of Nodh Carolina government or its subdivisions are the <br />property of the people... <br />§ 132 -1.1. State tax information <br />to) State and Local Tax Information. — Tax information may <br />not be disclosed except as provided in G.S. 105 -259. As used in this <br />subsection, "tax information' has the same meaning as in G.S. 105 -259. <br />Local lax records that contain information about a taxpayer's income or <br />receipts may not be disclosed except as provided in G.S. 153A -148.1 <br />and G.S. 160A- 208.1. <br />§ 132 -1.2. Confidential information. <br />Nothing in this Chapter shall be construed to require or authorize a <br />public agency or its subdivision to disclose any information that: <br />(1) Meets all of the following conditions: <br />a. Constitutes a "trade secret" as defined in G.S. 66- 152(3). <br />b. Is the property of a private "person' as defined in G.S. <br />56- 152(2). <br />c. Is disclosed or furnished to the public agency in connection <br />with the owners performance of a public contract or in <br />connection with a bid. application. proposal, industrial <br />development project, or in compliance with laws <br />regulations. rules, or ordinances of the United States, the <br />State, or political subdivisions of the State. <br />d. Is designated or indicated as "confidential" or as a "trade <br />secret" at the time of its initial disclosure to the public <br />agency. <br />§ 66 -152. Definitions (Trade Secrets Protection Act) <br />As used in this Article, unless the context requires otherwise: <br />(2) "Person" means an individual corporation, government, <br />governmental subdivision or agency, business trust. estate, trust. <br />partnership, association, joint venture, or any other legal or <br />commercial entity. <br />l3) "Race secret means business or technical information. Including <br />but not limited to a formula, pattern, program. device, compilation <br />of information, method, technique, or process that: <br />a. Derives independent actual or potential commercial value <br />from not being generally known or readily ascertainable <br />through independent development or reverse engineering <br />by persons who can obtain economic value from its <br />disclosure or use; and <br />b. Is the subject of edons that are reasonable under the <br />circumstances to maintain its secrecy. <br />The existence of a trade secret shall not be negated merely <br />because the information comprising the trade secret has also been <br />developed, used, or owned independently by more than one person, or <br />licensed to other persons. <br />§ 132 -1.8. Economic development incentives <br />(a) Assumptions and Melhodelogles. - Subject to the <br />movisions of this Chapter regarding confidential information and the <br />withholding of public records relating to the proposed expansion or <br />location of specific business or industrial projects when the release of <br />[hose records v,cold husuate the purpose for which they were created, <br />whenever a public agency or its subdivision performs a cost - benefit <br />analysis or similar assessment with respect to economic development <br />incentives offered to a specific business or industrial project, the agency <br />or its subdivision must describe in detail the assumptions and <br />methodologies used in completing the analysis or assessment. This <br />description is a public record and is subject to all provisions of this <br />Chapter and other law regarding public records. <br />(b) Disclosure of Public Records Requirements — Whenever <br />an agency or its subdivision first proposes, negotiates, or accepts an <br />application for economic development incentives with respect to a <br />specific industrial or business project, the agency or subdivision must <br />disclose that any information obtained by the agency or subdivision is <br />subject to laws regarding disclosure of public records. In addition, the <br />agency or subdivision must fully and accurately describe the instances in <br />which confidential information may be withheld from disclosure. the types <br />of information that qualify as confidential information, and the methods <br />for ensuring that confidential information is not disclosed." <br />§ 132 -6. Inspection and examination of records <br />(a) Every custodian of public records shall permit any record in <br />the custodian's custody to be Inspected and examined at reasonable <br />times and under reasonable supervision by any person, and shall, as <br />promptly as possible, furnish copies thereof upon payment of any fees as <br />may be prescribed by law.. . <br />(c) No request to inspect, examine, or obtain copies of public <br />records shall be denied on the grounds that confidential information is <br />commingled with the requested nonconfidential information. It it is <br />necessary to separate confidential from nonconfidential information in <br />order to permit the inspection, examination, or copying of the public <br />records, the public agency shall bear the cost of such separation. -- <br />(d) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsections (a) and (b) of <br />this section, public records relating to the proposed expansion or location <br />of specific business or industrial projects may be withheld so long as <br />their inspection, examination or copying would frustrate the purpose for <br />which such public records were created; provided, however, that nothing <br />herein shall be construed to permit the withholding of public records <br />relating to general economic development policies or activities. <br />Once the State, a local government, or the specific business has <br />announced a commitment by the business to expand or locate a specific <br />project in this State or a final decision not to do so and the business has <br />communicated that commitment or decision to the State or local <br />government agency involved with the project, the provisions of this <br />subsection allowing public records to be withheld by the agency no <br />longer apply. <br />Once the provisions of this subsection no longer apply, the agency <br />shall disclose as soon as practicable, and within 25 business days, <br />public records requested for the announced project that are not <br />otherwise made confidential by law. <br />An announcement that a business or industrial project has <br />committed to expand or locate in the Slate shall not require disclosure of <br />local government records relating to the project if the business has not <br />selected a specific location within the State for the project. Once a <br />specific location for the project has been determined, local government <br />records must be disclosed. upon request, in accordance with the <br />provisions of this section. For purposes of this section. "local government <br />records" include records maintained by the State that relate to a local <br />government's efforts to attract the project." <br />§ 132 -9. Access to records <br />(b) In an action to compel disclosure of public records which <br />have been withheld pursuant to the provisions of G.S. 132 -6 concerning <br />public records relating to the proposed expansion or location of particular <br />businesses and industrial projects, the burden shall be on the custodian <br />withholding the records to Show that disclosure would frustrate the <br />purpose of attracting that particular business or industrial project. <br />