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2011 - 01-31-2011 Reg. Adj. Meeting
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2011 - 01-31-2011 Reg. Adj. Meeting
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2/15/2011 8:33:54 AM
Creation date
2/15/2011 8:31:54 AM
Board of Commissioners
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n, 0., 23 PAL 924 <br />(i) created and retained not less than RN =o hundred Corp- four (244) of the New Jobs, (ii) <br />made Statutorily Qualifying Expenses in the amount to be disbursed, (iii) maintained at <br />least one hundred percent (100%) of the C u-cnt Jobs (i.e., 825 jobs), and (iv) invested <br />Twenty Five Million Four Hundred Seventy Thousand Dollars (S25,47Q000.00) of' tile <br />Required Investment (90 01 - the investment amount stated in the Application). <br />The Applicant tail I submit or cause to be submitted to DOC each application for an installment of <br />Grant funds upon proof of the creation of the New Jobs after the Company files its annual report <br />under the Company's CEDA, and satisfaction of all other Performance Criteria necessary for <br />disbursement. Following receipt of Grant funds fronn DOC, the Applicant will disburse such <br />funds to the Company pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. <br />The Company shall be eligible fur Grant payments urdv i f it cI VULCS the required m inimwn number <br />of New Jobs each year, as specified in paragraphs 2.l(a), (b) and (c)_ <br />Should it become necessan• for ajob created after the Effective Date to be counted as a Current <br />Job for purposes of establishing the base level of Current Jobs required to be maintained in this <br />Agreement, that job may not be double- counted as a New Job. <br />2.2. DOC will close out the performance period for with the Company is eligible for Grant payments, <br />oil December 31, 2013 ( "F Iigibility Closeout "). <br />Following Eligibility Closeout, to the extent any Grant proceeds may be due and upon the <br />Applicant's request and demonstration of compliance, a final payment of those funds will be <br />disbursed, . if such request is made to DOC by May 30. 201 -1, for job creation as of December 3 I, <br />2013, as demonstrated by its timely and compliant 2014 JDIG annual compliance report. <br />3.0 OBLIGATION TO REPAY DURINC GRANT PERFORrIMANCE PERIOD <br />3.1 If, at any time duorw the Grant Performance Period, the Company fails to retain at Icast 10",o ul <br />the Current Jobs (i.e_, 82S jobs), or the Company defaults under the CEDA (unless other wise <br />specified herein), the Company will be in default of this Agreement, no fun ther payment will be <br />made, and the Company will reimburse the total annount of Grant funds disbursed by DOC to the <br />Applicant. <br />0/2 II. at any time during the Grant Performance Period, the Company fails to provide health <br />insurance for all permanent full -tinne jobs in the amount required for tax credit eligibility under the <br />provisions of Article 3.1 specified in N.C. Gen, Stan. S 10- 129.83(d). the Company will be in <br />default ofthis Agreement, no further payment will be made, and the Company will reimbursc <br />DOC the total amount of the Grant funds disbursed by DOC to the Applicant. <br />3.3 If, at any time dwinq the Grant Performance Period, the average weekly wage of the group ofall <br />pemnanent full- tiarejobs at the Facility fails to equal or exceed the Wage Standard, the Company <br />will be in default of this Agreement, no further payment will he made, anti the Company will <br />reimburse DOC the total amount of the Grant funds disbursed by DOC to the Applicant. <br />4.0 OBLIGATION TO REPAY AT ELIGIBILITY CLOSEOUT <br />1.1 11, et El igibilih• Closeout, the Canpnny is 1101 in compliance with the minimum pert onnancc <br />rcquiremems of CEDA, the Company will be in detuult under this Agreement, no final <br />( tnery)dG u' luo. -i.rc Lbu!n 1' <br />011c .F 011h C'rnol m1, 1 iuut .: !8- ) -?t)? Ji <br />
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