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becK 23 <br />C 1 <br />FORM COMPANY PERFORMANCE AGREEMENT <br />THE ONE NORTH CAROLINA FUND <br />STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA <br />PERFORMANCE AGREFIMENT <br />COUNTY OF WAKE <br />This Performance Agrcement(`A orecrom "), rl'lective file 5111 day OfAuguot, 3010(tbc`Lffcctivu <br />Date "), by and bctoeen Caterpillar Inc., a Delar� are corporation authorized to do business in North <br />Carolina (the "Company "), Caterpillar Logistics Services. Inc., a Delaware corporation authorized to do <br />business in North Carolina (the "Related Member Pam %'), and County of Lee, North Carolina (the <br />�APFlicant "); <br />WITNESSET11: <br />WHEREAS, the Applicant has applied fora One North Carolina Fund grant from the North Carolina <br />Department of Commerce (the "DOC" ): and <br />W II ERE AS, a One North Carolina Fund grant award in the amount of Si, 1- lundred Thousand Dollars <br />(5600 (the' Grant ") has been ne^_ptiated and agreed to by all parties; and <br />WHEREAS, the Grant has been rpproved by DO( pursuant to n C)ne Nnnh Carolina Fund Local <br />Government Grant Agreement with the Applicant ([lie "LGGA" ), and <br />WHEREAS, the Company has also received a Job Development Investment Grant Award ("JDIG ") <br />for (lie Project (defined below), from the North Carolina 6conurnic Investment Cuuuoince, which 1DIG <br />award is governed by the teens of a Community Economic Development Agreement, dated effective <br />August 5, 2010 (the ° CEDA "); <br />WHEREAS, the Company intends to createjobs and investment in North Carolina; and <br />W IIFREAS, the Grant is lobe used by the Company toward the goal of creating three hundred hvumy <br />Ilvc (325) pmoanem full -time ncwjobs in North Carolina butween the Effective Date and December 31, <br />2014 (the`Ncw Jobs"). with a minimum of tiro hundred fony four (244) of the New Jobs to be created by <br />December 31, 2013(Ihe period from the Effective Date through December 31, 2013, the 'Grant Eli,-ibili) <br />Pcriod" ): and two hundred ninety three (293) of [lie New Jobs to be created by December 3 I, 2014, and <br />maintained at least through December 31, 2015. in order to retain the full Grant mmount (the period from <br />the Effective Date throue,lt December 31, 2015, the `Grant Performance Period" ); <br />W11FREAS_ the Giant is to be used Io%tIod the veal nfcrcntinr Twenty Ei Million - three Hundred <br />thousand Dollars (523,300,000.00) in new investment in the Stae of North Carolina, by December 31, <br />3013: ;Ind <br />WHEREAS, the Grant is necessary to enable investment and job creation by the Company to occur in <br />Not Cm Aina: and <br />WHEREAS, Iha Grant will stimulate economic activity and create nere jobs for the citizens ofthe <br />State of North Carolina <br />('wnpfllm Ls _:Let ( w... ; <br />0,2e Nprth co'oh'm llpul ;Igreamrry (5'- 5 -20H0) <br />