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County Manager's Report — April 16, 2018 <br />Ongoing Projects <br />Colon Road Water — On April 4, a Community Meeting with the residents who are <br />impacted by this project was held in the Gordon Wicker Room. At the meeting, the <br />process for construction, signing up with the City of Sanford for water service and other <br />items were discussed. Several residents needed to sign easement agreements so that <br />the water lines could be extended to them and their neighbors. In addition, each resident <br />was also asked to sign an access agreement so that the contractor could extend the <br />waterlines to each structure. Construction will begin in the next week. The targeted <br />completion date has been extended to the middle of June. <br />Courthouse Renovations — Moseley Architects continues to work on the preliminary <br />report. We expect to present the report to the Commissioners at one of the May regular <br />meetings. Then we will hold meetings with the departments and agencies to review the <br />preliminary report. We expect the Moseley will begin design work in June and are <br />targeting a fall construction start up. <br />Parks and Recreation Master Plan — Withers and Ravenel continues to work on the <br />Master Plans for Kiwanis Children Park, OT Sloan, Horton and Temple parks. With the <br />acquisition of the Lett Family Park in Broadway, we will be adding this park to the planning <br />process. We did meet with the architect and the City of Sanford at Kiwanis Children's <br />Park to discuss the City's extension of the greenway system through the park. This <br />discussion raised the possibility of the City deeding the Jaycee Hut property to the County <br />for use in the planning process. The City is discussing a request, which I put forward to <br />them to allow us to use this property. <br />Wicker School/Courthouse/Parks and Recreation Bonds — The bond rating agencies <br />affirmed the rating increase the County received last year during the sale of the CCCC <br />bonds. Sale of the bonds are scheduled for April 18. The County is then scheduled to <br />close on the purchase of the Wicker School on April 24. Closing on the bonds (when the <br />county receives the bond proceeds) will occur on May 2. <br />Other Items <br />2018-19 Budget Process — We have received all internal budget requests. All reviews <br />have been completed for the internal Departments. We are beginning the review of <br />outside agency requests including CCCC, SAGA and other non -profits. The only <br />request we not received yet is the LCBOE. The LCBOE continues to work through their <br />budget request. Per our discussion at the last meeting, in May we will schedule <br />