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Nay: None <br />The Chair ruled the motion had carried unanimously. <br />VI. MANAGERS' COMMENTS <br />Mr. Crumpton informed the Board the contract with a contractor installing the hot <br />water boilers at the Lee County Courthouse has had some issues. Hot water is back <br />on. A local contractor has been hired to finish the project. County staff are working <br />through the issues to complete the contract. <br />VII. COMMISSIONERS' COMMENTS <br />Commissioner Reives requested a letter of commendation for a job well done for <br />Britton Buchanon's performance on The Voice. <br />Chair Dalrymple provided a public service announcement regarding farming season <br />and cautioning citizens to be on the lookout and exercise patience with farm <br />equipment on the road. <br />ADJOURNMENT <br />With no further business to come before the Board, Commissioner Oldham moved <br />to adjourn the meeting. Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Dalrymple, Dodson, Knecht, Oldham, Reives, Sharpe, Sloan <br />Nay: None <br />The Chair ruled the motion had carried unanimously and the meeting adjourned at <br />0 <br />Clerk to the Board <br />41-211401-,L4� <br />Amy M. Dalrymple, Chair <br />Lee County Board of Commissioners <br />Page 515 <br />