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C. Consideration of Resolution Authorizing County Manager or Designee to Direct and <br />Supervise the Disinterment Removal and Reinterment of Graves from Shallow <br />Well Cemetery. <br />Wayne Watson, Cemetery agent for Shallow Well Church, provided the Board with <br />background information regarding the history of Shallow Well Cemetery and how it <br />will be impacted by the Department of Transportation's project for widening NC 42. <br />There is about 5.7 acres of cemetery presently. Originally, the North Carolina <br />Department of Transportation (DOT) proposed about 50 graves would need to be <br />moved to accomplish the project. It later changed to 125 graves, then 147 graves, <br />and a later meeting with DOT determined there were 207 graves that would need to <br />be moved. DOT has not counted the potential grave sites already reserved by <br />families. There are 150 reserve spots. Mr. Watson stated that DOT has not <br />expressed a willingness to reimburse families for property they plan to take over in <br />conjunction with the project. The families have hired a lawyer for representation in <br />the matter. DOT has agreed to put a walkway in front of the church and fix the <br />Jonesboro side so it is handicap accessible. Commissioner Reives asked Counsel <br />to have DOT notify the Church of what calls they are receiving to let the church <br />know who has contacted them. County Manager John Crumpton stated that the <br />DOT has requested that the Board adopt a resolution directing someone within the <br />county government to supervise the disinterment, removal, and reinterment of the <br />graves at the Shallow Well Cemetery for the expansion of NC 42 from US 421 to <br />Main Street in Lee County. North Carolina General Statute § 65-106 outlines the <br />procedures for the disinterment, removal, and reinterment of graves and directs that <br />all disinterment, removal, and reinterment shall be made under the supervision and <br />direction of the County Board of Commissioners. The attached resolution authorizes <br />the County Manager's Office, or designee, with the assistance of the County Health <br />Director as necessary, to be responsible for the supervision and direction of the <br />disinterment, removal, and reinterment of graves. Commissioner Sharpe moved to <br />adopt the resolution authorizing the County Manager or his designee to direct and <br />supervise the disinterment, removal, and reinterment of graves at Shallow Well <br />Cemetery, a copy of the Resolution is attached to these minutes and by this <br />reference made a part hereof. Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Dalrymple, Knecht, Oldham, Sharpe, Sloan <br />Nay: Reives <br />Absent: Dodson <br />The Chair ruled the motion had carried 5:1. <br />D. Consideration of Purchase Agreement for WB Wicker Elementary School, <br />Chair Dalrymple asked the County Manager to respond to false assertions that have <br />been made regarding the project. County Manager John Crumpton stated that he <br />has worked on this project for about 3 years now. In speaking with Ms. Rumley with <br />Brick Capital, the agreement was that the County would pay off then existing loan <br />and pay Brick Capital $400,000 for the property. Discussions were held in open <br />session. The payoff of the existing loan is approximately $1,677,370.98. The <br />upcoming schedule for the closing of the bonds to build the new Wicker Elementary <br />Page 419 <br />