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3-19-18 Regular Meeting
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3-19-18 Regular Meeting
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Last modified
4/16/2018 1:57:35 PM
Creation date
4/16/2018 11:39:47 AM
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Board of Commissioners
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iii. If any Existing Jobs or New Jobs are eliminated or cease to exist prior to <br />Closeout and after any grant payment by the COUNTY, then the <br />COUNTY shall reduce the total incentive grant by a prorated amount <br />based off the percentage of original Existing Jobs plus any New Jobs <br />according to Exhibit A versus actual jobs. <br />b. If at any time during the Grant period, the COMPANY substantially ceases <br />operations at the Project, the COUNTY shall not be obligated to pay to the <br />COMPANY any further grant funds and may ask for reimbursement for grant <br />funds expended. <br />c. If at any time during the Grant period, the COMPANY fails to retain one hundred <br />percent of the Existing Jobs as set forth in Paragraph 5(b) herein, the COMPANY <br />will be in default of this agreement and the COUNTY shall not be obligated to <br />pay to the COMPANY any further grant funds and the COMPANY shall be <br />obligated to repay funds already paid to the COMPANY by the COUNTY. <br />8. TERNIINATION. <br />a. This agreement shall terminate and the COMPANY shall be in breach for the <br />following reasons as determined by the COUNTY, including, but not limited to <br />the following: <br />i. Failure to pay taxes; <br />ii. Failure to comply with the terms and conditions of this Agreement; <br />iii. Submission of incorrect or incomplete reports to the COUNTY in any <br />material respects or; <br />iv. Failure to make satisfactory progress towards making the cumulative <br />investment in the property as of each fiscal year according to Exhibit A, <br />without requesting an extension of time and agreed upon by the COUNTY <br />in writing, the determination of whether satisfactory progress has been <br />made will be in the sole discretion of the County. <br />b. The COUNTY may terminate this Agreement, as set forth herein, for failure of <br />the COMPANY to make the investment of the property, for failure of the project, <br />or violation of the terms of this Agreement, in the discretion of the COUNTY, <br />providing that 30 day notification was provided to the COMPANY and the <br />COMPANY was unable to cure such defect. <br />9. ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS. <br />a. Verification and Reporting. The COMPANY shall provide to the COUNTY on <br />an annual basis or upon the COUNTY's request all reasonable documentation <br />deemed necessary by the COUTNY to verify retention of the Existing Jobs, <br />creation and maintenance of the New Jobs, and expenditure of the Taxable <br />Investment described in this agreement, including, but not limited to, <br />
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