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F. Funding Requests for the Tobacco Warehouse Project <br /> Downtown Sanford, Inc. is working with Rehab Development to evaluate the <br /> potential for future improvements of a site located at 513 Wicker Street to include <br /> some mixed use of residential, commercial, and a library. Jennifer St. Clair on behalf <br /> of DSI, recommended a public/private joint venture with the developer for master <br /> planning of the site. The process includes a financial survey of the feasibility of the <br /> developer's proposal to be conducted by the UNC School of Government's <br /> Department of Finance Initiative and a Phase I Environmental Study to determine <br /> what needs to be done to clean up the site and make it eligible for the proposed <br /> intended use. DSI recommends a 50/50 split with the City of Sanford of the fee in the <br /> amount of$13,000 to be charged by the UNC for the feasibility evaluation. DSI also <br /> recommended a 50/50 split with the City of Sanford of the $5,000 fee payable to DSI <br /> for a Phase I Environmental Study of the site. The developer currently has the <br /> property under contract with a due diligence expiration of March 22. Due to the time <br /> constraints of the sale, Jennifer St. Clair stated a preference for moving forward with <br /> the work as soon as possible. County Manager John Crumpton said this project <br /> promotes community development by taking a building that is not in use and creating <br /> a use for it. Completion of the Environmental Study would be owned by DSI, thus if <br /> the sale were to fall through, it could be used to market the property to other potential <br /> developers. Commissioner Reives moved to proceed with the requested funding for <br /> the Tobacco Warehouse Project. Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br /> Aye: Dalrymple, Dodson, Oldham, Reives, Sharpe, Sloan <br /> Nay: Knecht <br /> The Chair ruled the motion had carried 6:1. <br /> G. Discussion Regarding House Bill 551 (Marsy's Law) <br /> Commissioner Dodson provided information on House Bill 551 also known as <br /> Marsy's Law that is proposed to advance victim's rights. He stated that <br /> Representatives Sauls and Reives along with 61 Sheriffs throughout the state have <br /> voiced their support of the bill. This bill provides for victims' rights to receive full and <br /> timely restitution and notice of all court proceedings related to their case among other <br /> things. Commissioner Knecht moved to direct staff to draft a resolution and present at <br /> the March 19th meeting. Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br /> Aye: Dalrymple, Dodson, Knecht, Oldham, Reives, Sharpe, Sloan <br /> Nay: None <br /> The Chair ruled the motion had carried unanimously. <br /> H. Discussion on Citizen Security <br /> In light of what happened recently at a school shooting in Florida, Chair Dalrymple <br /> held a discussion regarding safety in schools. Dalrymple stated that she is proud of <br /> Page 618 <br />