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BK 0029 PG 0497 <br />IV. Spec Building — Questions arose concerning a lease agreement regarding reinstatement of <br />funds. Mayor Mann stated that Council believes a spec building is necessary. The County <br />has invested funds in expanding broadband to the park, while the City invested funds in <br />water and sewer expansions. Presently the County has limited buildings available to show <br />companies looking to relocate to this area. This building will be used as a "model home" <br />during the lease period to market the area. The City and County will be responsible for the <br />cost of the lease following the construction of the shell building with the Idea that <br />Investments will be returned through tax payments. <br />V. Report from Commissioners Retreat — Chair Dalrymple stated that a major topic of discussion <br />during the retreat was communications. Councilman Chas Post has taken the initiative in <br />developing an Opioid Task Force. Commissioners Sharpe and Dodson will be participating <br />In the task force. The Board of Commissioners were provided with Information on a K-14 <br />program, which would be a great economic development tool through the education and <br />training of students to enter the workforce. With regard to the 2019 Revaluation process, the <br />County has experienced about a 31/2% growth in its tax base and hopes to get back on a 4 <br />year revaluation cycle following this process. Planning and Community Development <br />Director Marshall Downey provided an updated schedule for the 2020 Land Use Plan. <br />Downey stated that they are in phases 4 of 5 in the project with the last being adoption. <br />They are working with the Joint Planning Commission and hope to wrap up process by the <br />end of March and have it ready for review by the Boards in April/May. The Land Use Plan <br />will provide a `blueprint" for the next step of evaluating the short and long-term goals and <br />updating the Unified Development Ordinance. Commissioner Oldham is leading an initiative <br />to find solutions to clean up roadside trash around the county. He stated he plans on <br />speaking with the City Police Chief and Sheriff regarding potential solutions. County resident <br />Terica Luxton provided her experiences and challenges she has faced in using local <br />recycling centers. <br />VL Traffic Study — W.B. Wicker School — City Manager Hal Hegwer stated that a traffic study <br />conducted around the WB Wicker School site provides that the road system In place will <br />accommodate the anticipated traffic in the area after the 900 student capacity school goes <br />online. The traffic study firm commended the architect of the WB Wicker School for his <br />excellent work with the school's layout. <br />VII. Tethering of Dogs — Sergeant Gilstrap with the Lee County Sheriffs Office and supervisor of the <br />Animal Control Unit, reported that the Sheriff's Office took over Animal Control beginning in <br />2011. Lee County does not have a ban on tethering as a part of the Ordinance due to the <br />extreme difficulty of enforcement. The current Ordinance lays out certain restrictions related <br />to tethering. He expressed concerns regarding what may result if a ban on tethering is <br />Issued such an overcrowding at the animal shelter. The animal shelter has a very low <br />euthanasia rate at only 4%. The main objective has been to educate people. Health <br />Department Director Heath Cain stated that his department is conducting research on <br />spay/neuter services. Spay/muter is a requirement in the animal shelter's adoption process, <br />thus when someone pursues an adoption, they are provided a certain amount of time to <br />submit proof of having obtained the spay/neuter. There is a mobile unit that comes through <br />Sanford once a month in addition to the spay/neuter clinic located in Vass, NC, both which <br />provide the services at an affordable rate. Mr. Cain stated that to date, research efforts have <br />been unable to result in the discovery of any organizations that are able to provide <br />spay/neuter as a free service. <br />VIII. Property for Airport Extiansion/Buffer — County Manager John Crumpton stated he is <br />encouraging the Board to take a close look at zoning requests first and use special use <br />