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BK 0029 PG 0496 <br />LEE COUNTY <br />Committed Today for a Better Tomorrow <br />JOINT MEETING OF THE <br />INTERLOCAL SUB -COMMITTEE <br />FOR THE <br />COUNTY OF LEE, CITY OF SANFORD <br />AND <br />TOWN OF BROADWAY <br />JANUARY 30, 2018 <br />The Joint Interlocal Sub -Committee appointed to study Interlocal Agreements and other Items of <br />Interest between the County of Lee, City of Sanford, and Town of Broadway, met at 11:00 a.m. in the <br />Conference Room at the Buggy Factory located at 115 Chatham Street, Sanford, North Carolina on <br />said date. Commissioner appointed members present were Amy M. Dalrymple, Larry "Doc' Oldham, <br />and Timothy S. Sloan. County staff In attendance included County Manager John Crumpton, Finance <br />Director Lisa Minter, County Attorney Whitney Parrish, Health Director Heath Cain, Animal Control <br />Supervisor Sergeant Gilstrap, Planning and Community Development Director Marshall Downey, <br />Strategic Services Director Don Kovesckitz, Community and Governmental Relations Manager Jamie <br />Brown, Management Analyst Michael Silverman, and Clerk to the Board Jennifer Gamble. <br />Lee County Board of Commissioners Chair Amy Dalrymple called the Joint Sub -Committee <br />meeting to order and the following items were discussed: <br />I. Countywide Parks and Recreation — County Manager John Crumpton provided an update on <br />park projects. The County has contracted with Withers and Ravenel who are conducting a <br />study on four identified parka with a 51' park that may potentially be added In the future. <br />Chair Dalrymple stated that the County was approached to purchase Broadway Optimist <br />Park to keep the property consistent with the intended park usage as a family park. If <br />acquired, this park may be added to the master planning process. Mayor Mann stated that <br />there has been recent interest from a private group in acquiring the Kendale/Jonesboro area <br />and converting the lower area into a soccer park, which is something the community has <br />already expressed interest in doing. <br />II. Buaov Factory Historical Designation — The County Manager thanked City Council for delaying <br />their decision to adopt the historical designation for the Buggy Factory Building. He added <br />that the Board of Commissioners have not expressed any opposition to granting the <br />designation. <br />III. Property Tax Collection — January 5, 2018 was the last day to submit payments for taxes owed <br />to the County. Both the City and County Managers expressed that their desire had been to <br />close govemment buildings on the 5'^ due to hazardous road conditions caused by the <br />Inclement weather, however the decision was made to open In order to allow people an <br />opportunity to pay their taxes. The Machinery Act does not allow County Boards of <br />Commissioners the discretion to extend the tax delinquency date, therefore a resolution was <br />passed by the Lee County Board of Commissioners to send to representatives in the <br />General Assembly for consideration in changing the rule and requesting flexibility to make <br />the decision to extend under certain circumstances. <br />