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Board of Commissioners
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BK 0029 PG 0494 <br />Incremental. The pilot program is the first step that would allow several hundred students to take <br />advantage of going to college. <br />Agenda Managemp — Clerk to the Board Jennifer Gamble presented an agenda <br />management program for the Board's Consideration in the upcoming budget process. The program <br />would increase public accessibility to information, staff efficiency in the review and agenda <br />composition process, and improve organization to the flow of Board meetings. A Iive demonstration <br />was provkied by a representative from Novus Agenda. <br />2020 Land Use Plan — Planning and Community Development Director Marshall Downey <br />provided an update on the status of the 2020 Land Use Plan. In 2015, a consultant was hired to <br />assist in an update to the 20 year old land use plan. The consultant came up with a place types <br />concept which created 14 different place type identifiers. The purpose of this is to contain certain <br />kinds of growth in defined areas. The plan is currently in the final stages. The Plan will provide a <br />'blueprint" for land use decisions going forward and Identify next steps to updating the County's <br />zoning regulations. <br />Report on Tax Revaluation — Reappraisal Coordinator Michael Brown gave a presentation <br />on the 2019 reappraisal process. This process will take a snapshot of the real estate market as it <br />exists at this time. Sales that are taking place now are what will be evaluated for the reappraisal. A <br />schedule of values will be provided to the Board of Commissioners around September. Property <br />owners should receive their values around the 1° of February. Property owners who disagree with <br />the values provided can appeal the value to staff through an informal process and/or they can <br />appeal the value to the Board of Equalization and Review. Tax Administrator Mary Yow provided <br />Information on gap billing, which occurs when there are one or more months in billed property <br />taxes between the expiration of a vehicle's registration and the renewal of that registration or the <br />issuance of a new registration. The vehicle is an unregistered vehicle during the gap in registration. <br />The taxes billed on a gap property tax notice are only for the months the vehicle was not registered <br />with the NCDMV. <br />jY 2019 Budoet Discussion - County Manager John Crumpton presented a list of items for <br />the Commissioners to take into consideration in preparation for the budget process for FY 2018- <br />2019. <br />Analysis of Deciding Whether to Use LOBS or Private Bank Bids for WB Wicker—Assistant <br />County Manager/Finance Director Lisa Minter discussed the use of limited obligation bonds to <br />implement some of the projects that have been recommended Including the WB Wicker School, <br />Courthouse renovations, and parks and recreation facilities. On January 11, 2018, Davenport and <br />Company received bids on the County's behalf from private banks. BB and T and Capital 1 were <br />the most promising bids received. Davenport and Company evaluated what the County would pay <br />verses a private sale. Their recommendation was to move forward with the public sale with a public <br />hearing to be held on February 5, 2018 followed by the approval of a resolution. <br />Approach for Addressing Malor Upcoming Projects — County Manager John Crumpton <br />stated that the master planning process for Lee County parks has commenced. The courthouse <br />project kicks off on Monday, January 2901. With regard to the Colon Rd water project, only one bid <br />was received so the project had to be re -advertised. Bid Information will be provided to the Board <br />at the February 5, 2018 Board of Commissioners Meeting. The City of Sanford was approved for <br />PARTF grant funds for the splash pad project. <br />Page 213 <br />
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