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a o� 1 FA <br />3. Until ,Tune 30, 2005, or until purchase and transfer of the water system to the <br />City, whichever comes first, the City will continue billing the County and <br />District customers in accordance with the Operation and Maintenance <br />Contracts dated August 20, 1996. <br />4. County, District, and City agree to resolve their differences regarding water <br />used for flushing between July 1, 2003 and June 30, 2004, in the following <br />manner: County agrees to immediately pay the City of Sanford 50% of the <br />total amount of water used for flushing or $99,456. An additional 25% of the <br />total cost of water used for flushing during this period, or an amount equal to <br />$49,728, will be placed in escrow and dispersed in accordance with <br />provisions contained of subparagraph 5 below. <br />5. The Timmons Group has been employed by the County to determine the true <br />benefits of flushing activity to each water system. With respect to the $49,728 <br />placed in escrow for flushing between July 1, 2003 and June 30, 2004, parties <br />agreed to negotiate the dispersion of those funds based on recommendations <br />of the Timmons Group analysis. In the event parties fail to agree to terns for <br />the dispersion of those funds placed in escrow, the matter will be submitted to <br />mediation. <br />6. Beginning July 1, 2004, and each month thereafter, the County will pay for <br />62.5% of the total cost of water used for flushing for the duration of this <br />agreement or until such time that the City of Sanford purchases the system. In <br />the event the Timmons Group analysis provides information which might <br />warrant reconsideration of the apportionment of flushing costs, parties may <br />negotiate to change the formula for the period beginning July 1, 2004. In the <br />event the parties fail to agree on the reapportionment of flushing costs, <br />County and District agree to continue to pay for 62.5% of the flushing costs <br />until the matter is settled through mediation. <br />7. The City, County, and District agree to postpone resolution of any disputes <br />over customers until June 30, 2005, or until negated by the purchase and <br />transfer of the water system. <br />8. The City agrees to postpone collection of the bill for past maintenance in the <br />amount of $170,800 until June 30, 2005, unless negated by purchase and <br />transfer of the water system. In the event the City does not purchase the <br />system, interest shall accrue at the prime interest rate beginning August 20, <br />2004, through June 30, 2005, and the parties agree to submit the matter to <br />mediation. <br />9. The County and District agree not to encumber the assets of the District's <br />system by additional obligations until after June 30, 2005, or until the <br />purchase and transfer of the water system. <br />2 <br />