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Viol) <br />14 Ago& eF 878 <br />SECTION 5. The County will take over the billing of its customers as soon as <br />possible with a view to having this operational by July 1, 2004. In the event the County <br />cannot implement this service by July 1, 2004, the City will continue billing through July <br />1, 2005, at which time the District will take over the function of billing. <br />SECTION 6. The District will work on taking over the maintenance of the <br />County and District lines at the earliest possible time and will coordinate with the City <br />for the transfer of such responsibility. <br />SECTION 7. The District will hire Flobbs Upchurch & Associates to devise a <br />plan to provide master meters to separate County lines from City lines. The function of <br />its study and plan will be to devise the least number of master meters that are necessary <br />to accomplish such purpose and no master meters will be installed until such plan has <br />been completed. <br />SECTION 8. City will account for District customers or County customers who <br />are currently being billed by the City and account for the funds collected and make <br />payment to the respective party. County and District agree to negotiate with the City <br />with respect to whether or not these lines can be sold to the City. <br />SECTION 9. Controversy with respect to the City's contention of an account <br />deficit that they contend is a bill for past maintenance will be submitted to mediation on <br />the same basis as if it was a controversy in the Superior Court of the County. Each party <br />will share half of the expense in the mediation process and each party agrees to abide and <br />stand by the results determined by the mediator. <br />SECTION 10. Following completion of the tests and installation of master <br />meters, the City will guarantee to the County and the District that water meeting a 3.0 <br />