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Euoh 19 I' cF 877 <br />WHEREAS, the parties need to establish a system of operation that will be <br />followed while this period of study and testing takes place; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, <br />BE IT RESOLVED by the Lee County Board of Commissioners sitting as the governing <br />body of the Lee County Water and Sewer District No. 1 as follows: <br />SECTION 1. City will continue to furnish water, operate and maintain the <br />system as it has in the past. The current rate for water is $2.53 per thousand gallons and <br />the rate for maintenance is $1.89 per thousand gallons of water. These rates will remain <br />in effect until the next adjustment, which will be established and put into effect beginning <br />July 1, 2005. <br />SECTION' 2. The County will employ the Timmons Group from Richmond, <br />Virginia, to schedule sampling and testing of the water system through September, 2004. <br />and to fully evaluate the issues associated with cause for decay of the chlorine residual <br />and the need for extensive flushing twenty -four hours a day on a seven -day a week basis. <br />The City agrees to cooperate with the Timmons Group to allow it to accomplish such <br />analysis. <br />SECTION 3. Flushing will continue as presently required by the City Public <br />Works Department and the cost of such flushing shall be split evenly between the City <br />and the County. The division of the cost for past and future flushing will be adjusted <br />based on the showings of the engineering tests to determine responsibility. <br />SECTION 4. The City will have analysis done by an independent qualified <br />agency to determine the cost of producing a given quantity of potable water and the cost <br />of transmission of such quantity to the County's and District's lines by June 15, 2004. <br />