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BOX 19 nep 770 <br />line shall determine whether the residence meets the criteria requiring connection to the <br />District's water system. <br />SECTION 3. Within the jurisdiction of the District, every new residential <br />dwelling unit which is located within 250 feet of a trunk line of the District's water <br />distribution system shall be required to extend the trunk line to the site of said residential <br />dwelling unit and to enter into a developer's extension agreement with the District based <br />upon the District's then current policy with respect to such extensions. Time distance from <br />the closest property line of the tract on which the residential dwelling unit is to be located <br />to the end of the nearest existing trunk line of the District's water distribution system in a <br />straight line shall determine whether the residential dweiling unit meets the criteria <br />requiring extension of the trunk line. <br />SECTION 4. Within the District's jurisdiction, all existing residential dwelling <br />units which are connected to the District's water system on the effective date of this <br />ordinance and all residential dwelling units which are connected to the District's water <br />system thereafter most remain connected to said water as its sole source for potable <br />water. <br />SECTION S. Within the jurisdiction of the District, in the case of improved <br />property that would qualify for the issuance of a building permit for the construction of <br />one or more residential dwelling units or commercial establishments and where the <br />District has installed water lines directly available to the property, the District may <br />require payment of a periodic availability charge, not to exceed the minimum periodic <br />service charge for the properties that arc connected. <br />