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a o� JL 9 F c 73G <br />SECTION 6. The violations of this article shall subject the offender to a civil <br />penalty upon the issuance of a citation for such violation as provided in this section. The <br />civil penalty, if not paid to the District within fifteen (15) days of the issuance of a <br />citation, may be recovered by the District in a civil action in the nature of debt. Such <br />civil penalty shall be in the amount of one hundred dollars (5100) for each violation, and <br />each day any single violation continues shall be a separate violation. <br />(b) In addition to the civil penalties set out in subsection a of this section, any <br />provision of this article may be enforced by an appropriate equitable remedy issuing from <br />a court of competent jurisdiction. hl such case, the General Court of Justice shall have <br />jurisdiction to issue such orders as may be appropriate, and it shall not be a defense to the <br />application of the District for equitable relief that there is an adequate remedy at law. <br />(c) In addition to the civil penalty set out in subsection a of this section, any <br />provision of this ordinance that makes unlawful a condition existing upon or use made of <br />real property may be enforced by injunction and order of abatement by the General Court <br />of Justice. When a violation of such a provision occurs, the District may apply to the <br />appropriate division of the General Court of Justice for a mandatory or prohibitory <br />injunction and /or order of abatement demanding the defendant correct the unlawful <br />condition upon or cease the unlawful use of the property. The action is governed by all <br />respects by the laws and rules concerning civil proceedings, including the Rules of Civil <br />Procedure in general and Rule 65 in particular. <br />(d) The provisions of this section may be enforced by one, all, or a combination <br />of the remedies authorized and prescribed by this section. <br />