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FoanRUi942 -46 ,•," ' <br />(.Automated 8 -97) �`� Pr U <br />UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF ACRICUCCURR <br />RURAL DEVELOPMENT <br />LETTER OF INTENT TO MEET CONDITIONS <br />D April, 7, 2003 <br />FORM APPROVED <br />OMB N0.0575 -0015 <br />TO: Rural Development <br />United States Department of Agriculture <br />1027 Hwy. 70 W., Suite 219 <br />Garner, N. C. 27529 <br />(Rural Development Office Address) - <br />We have reviewed and understand the conditions set forth in your letter dated <br />April 7, 2003 <br />It is our intent to meet all of them not later than April 7, 2004 <br />We are also requesting that we be given the interest rate in effect at the time of loan approval or at the time of loan <br />closing, whichever is lower. In otherwords, we want the lowest interest rate possible <br />• <br />BY � ir - A s ation)� <br />'� <br />Herbert A. Hincks, Chairman <br />Pubh'e reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average / hour per responsa inelud4 the time (or renenmg fa- <br />simc6ons searching existing data sources; gathering and maintakiat the data needed and completing and reviewing the roDecGon of m- <br />formatim Send cromments rgdr&rig This burden estimate or any other esped of this collection of iformabon. Mely&ng suggestions for <br />reducing this burden, to Department of Agricagare, C oarance Of6rer 021f Room 404 -p Wastringlon. D =50, and to the Office of <br />Management and Budge( Paperwork Reduction Project (0AB Ro. 0575 - 0015), 7ashington, D.0 20503 <br />Lee Countv Wate &� SewAr District No <br />RD 1942 -46 (Automated 8 -97) <br />