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P GE '50 <br />STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ) <br />DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT <br />COUNTY OF LEE ) <br />THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into by and between George J. Patten <br />who resides in Lee County, North Carolina and are hereinafter referred to as the <br />"Developers" and the Lee County Water and Sewer District No. 1, a body corporate and <br />politic under the laws of the State of North Carolina, hereinafter referred to as the <br />"District "; <br />WITNESSETH: <br />WHEREAS, The District operates a water system in some of the unincorporated <br />areas of Lee County; and <br />WHEREAS, The Developers would like to extend a water line from the District's <br />system to serve their home (the "Project "); and <br />WHEREAS, the District is agreeable to such an addition to its system and the <br />parties have mutually agreed as follows: <br />1. The Developer shall have the plans designed by a registered engineer in <br />the State of North Carolina and installed by a licensed contractor. Plans shall be <br />submitted and approved by the District. <br />2. It will be the responsibility of the Developers to secure the necessary <br />construction and maintenance easements for the water main across private property and <br />private roadways. The District and its engineers shall negotiate for the encroachment <br />agreements on public roads and rights -of -way with the appropriate authorities. Any fees <br />required fro such encroachment shall be paid by the Developers. <br />3. Any and all expenses for supervision and inspection of construction of the <br />water main and for change orders will be paid to the District by the Developers within <br />thirty (30) days of billing. <br />4. After completion of the water line, the Developers each will promptly <br />connect their residence to the water line and sign up as water customers of the District. <br />5. Developers acknowledge that the Project does not include connecting their <br />residence to the water main and that is a matter of contract between them and a licensed <br />plumber of their choice. The expense for such connection is the obligation of the owners <br />of the residence. <br />6. After the completion of the line, the Public Works Director for Lee <br />County shall determine the reimbursable cost for the water line and the prevailing footage <br />rate for said water line under the County's reimbursement policy and the District and the <br />