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010 Vkfi h rsRc-venel. <br />010 <br />Our People. Your Success. <br />Temple Park & Horton Park Master Plans <br />Lee County, North Carolina <br />Professional Services Addendum <br />A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION <br />WithersRavenel, Inc. (CONSULTANT) is pleased to present this ADDEDUM for the professional services of <br />park planning to Lee County (CLIENT) for the master plan of Temple Park and Horton Park. Temple Park is <br />an existing park of approximately 5.2 acres located at the southeast corner of McIver and South 7t' Streets. <br />Horton Park is an existing park located at Washington Avenue and Gordon Street and is approximately 10.6 <br />acres. <br />The CONSULTANTwill be utilizing the same design team, planning and design processes, and deliverables as <br />detailed in the original proposal. If this ADDENDUM is accepted by the client, the proposed overall schedule <br />will be extended three (3) weeks to provide additional analysis and design time. As per the original proposal, <br />design development and construction drawings for these facilities is not included in this ADDENDUM, <br />however we will prepare a prescribed phasing plan that can guide the CLIENT in soliciting detailed design <br />efforts. <br />The current proposed programs and facilities for the parks includes, but is not limited to, the following: <br />Temple Park <br />► Renovation and updates one of the existing softball fields <br />► Replace one existing softball field for open space play, football and soccer <br />► Renovate and update the existing restroom facility <br />► Redesign and reorganize existing parking to accommodate additional vehicles <br />Provide walk paths around park and new picnic shelters <br />► Overall landscape enhancements <br />Horton Park <br />► Replace existing pool with splash pad <br />t Renovate existing group picnic shelters <br />► Redesign and reorganize parking to provide additional off-street parking <br />► Update and renovate existing restroom facility and provide office space within existing footprint <br />► Provide walk paths around park and new picnic shelters <br />► Overall landscape enhancements <br />Acceptance of this ADDENDUM by the CLIENT and the CONSULTANT bounds each to the same exclusions, <br />terms and conditions, and responsibilities specified in the original proposal. <br />B. COMPENSATION FOR SERVICES <br />The CONSULTANT proposes to provide the Scope of Services for this ADDENDUM outlined in Section B of <br />the original proposal for a lump sum amount. If accepted by the CLIENT, the revised budgeted total fee <br />estimate for this contract amendment is a NOT TO EXCEED figure of Eighteen Thousand, Nine Hundred Fifty <br />Tempie & Morten Park Master Plans WR Nc. 2'70770.10 <br />12.20.17 Page 2 <br />