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BuGK 7 P!GG C9 <br />Chairman Reives discussed the salary increases proposed for employees at step five or <br />above. He wants it clearly stated in the budget that all employees below step five <br />automatically receive a step increase every year on their anniversary if they have had no <br />disciplinary actions against them. He, along with others Commissioners present stated <br />they were not aware that employees below step five received a step increase every year on <br />their anniversary. <br />Chairman Reives stated he wants a quarterly report to Board members from the <br />Lee County Partnership for Children concerning the Lee County Smart Start Program. <br />Chairman Reives asked that the Tax Office do some type of media announcement <br />stating that anyone who needs assistance listing their taxes (personal or business) should <br />contact the Tax Office and help will be provided. He also asked that the Tax Office fax, <br />instead of mail, correspondence to reduce the cost of postage to the County when they <br />can. <br />Chairman Reives questioned the different costs of printers that were budgeted in <br />the Capital Outlay line item. Four departments had requested the purchase of new <br />printers, with some departments requesting more expensive models. Mr. Cowan <br />discussed with the Committee the reason for the large amount requested from the <br />Cooperative Extension Service for a new printer. No action was taken on the matter. <br />The meeting recessed until 3:30 p.m., June 22, 1998. <br />Robert T. Reives, Chairman <br />NORTH CAROB KA. Lip/ <br />or <br />el= <br />o,r.,e6E in d;eey /~~+Ve-cam <br />NNbe W Tho n j%RpMM if OMOf <br />0] 8 <br />3 <br />