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BOOK 17 PICF 10 004 <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />The Board considered the following recommendations from the Planning Board: <br />• petition by Lynwood Coombs to rezone from Residential Mixed <br />District to Highway Commercial Conditional Use District, 1.04 acres <br />of land at 1426 Pine Forest Road <br />• petition by Timothy Glasson to rezone from Residential Agricultural <br />District to Light Industrial Conditional Use District, approximately 5 <br />acres of land at 1062 Hickory House Road <br />• resolutions requesting NC Department of Transportation add Villanow <br />Drive, Sugar Creek Drive and Holly Pond Road to the State system <br />Commissioner Reives moved to approve the recommendations from the Planning Board. <br />Commissioner Paschal seconded the motion, and upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Garner, Hincks, Matthews, Paschal, Reives and Sauls <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted Unanimously. <br />The Board considered the reorganization of the Youth Services Commission. <br />Youth and Adult Services Director Randell Woodruff told the Board that Lee County was <br />required by the recent Juvenile Justice Law Reform to create a Juvenile Crime Prevention <br />Council to detennine and address the needs of at-risk and court-involved youth. He told <br />the Board the new Council will replace the existing Lee County Youth Commission, <br />which has been in place for the past twenty years. He further told the Board the old <br />Youth Commission would need to be abolished and a new board created by appointing <br />twenty-two members. Sixteen of the required twenty-two members are mandated to <br />serve per GS 147-33-49. The remainder of the members will be representatives from the <br />public. After sonic discussion, Commissioner Garner moved to abolish the old Youth <br />Commission and appoint the following members to the Juvenile Justice Crime Prevention <br />Council: <br />Robert Logan <br />Ronnie Yarborough <br />Kevin Kirkman <br />Robert T. Reives, II <br />Tommy Mullis <br />Rhonda Gordon <br />Laura Phillips <br />Randell Woodruff <br />Helen Gorham <br />Hubert Garner <br />4 <br />