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WHEREAS, within the 10 day time period, Mr. Lawrence, on behalf of WITS <br />Remodeling submitted a second upset bid in the amount of $13,000.00 and paid his deposit and <br />advertising costs; and, <br />WHEREAS, that bid was advertised in The Sanford Herald on August 30, 2017; and, <br />WHEREAS, Mr. Campos submitted a third upset bid on September 1, 2017 in the <br />amount of $15,000.00 (which is at least 10% of the first $1,000 and 5% of the remainder of Mr. <br />Lawrence's second upset bid); and <br />WHEREAS, Mr. Campos paid the required advertising costs and along with the 5% <br />deposit; and, <br />WHEREAS, that third upset bid was advertised in The Sanford Herald on September 27, <br />2017; and, <br />WHEREAS, no further upset bids were received during the ten day upset bid period, and <br />the third upset bid of Mr. Campos is the final and highest bid received. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Lee County Board of Commissioners <br />as follows: <br />1. The Lee County Board of Commissioners authorizes the sale of the property described <br />above through the upset bid procedure of North Carolina General Statute § 160A-269. <br />2. The Lee County Board of Commissioners hereby accepts the offer of $15,000.00 from <br />Cristian Campos. <br />7. The terms of the final sale are as follows: <br />a. The buyer must pay with cash, cashier's check or certified check at the time of <br />closing. <br />b. The property will be sold "as is" with no conditions placed on the bid. <br />c. Title to the subject property shall be transferred to the buyer by a nonwarranty <br />deed. <br />8. The County reserves the right to withdraw the property from sale at any time before the final <br />high bid is accepted and the right to reject at any time all bids. <br />