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1' 8® Oil <br />a30,K 17 pm E 8118 0 <br />PROCLAMATION <br />HUNTING AND FISHING DAY <br />BY THE <br />COUNTY OF LEE <br />Hunting and fishing have always been an important part of the North Carolina <br />tradition. While these activities may no longer be necessary for survival, as during the <br />early days of Lee County, they are still relevant today. And most Americans believe that <br />such activities continue to be popular. Their perceptions are right on target. For <br />example, the number of women involved in the shooting sports has increased by more <br />than 80% in the past ten years. <br />But hunting and fishing are so much more than recreational pursuits. For over <br />100 years, hunters and anglers have been at the forefront of the conservation movement. <br />Not content with vocalizing their support, they requested special fees and taxes on their <br />equipment to pay for wildlife management, habitat restoration and other conservation <br />programs. During that time they raised over $21 billion, now adding some $3.5 million <br />per day nationally. <br />This financial support has provided the basis for scientific research, habitat <br />restoration, and education which have led to the dramatic come back of wildlife in North <br />Carolina such as wild turkey, river otters, tundra swans, and other waterfowl, alligators, <br />shore birds, bald eagles, and other raptors and fur bearers. <br />Of course dollars and cents alone do not represent the true worth of our outdoor <br />traditions. Wealthier than any millionaire is one with greater awareness, understanding, <br />and respect of the natural environment and its wildlife. Wealthier still are the ethical <br />hunters and anglers who share this treasure with a youngster, friend or relative. We <br />would like to urge hunters and anglers in Lee County to recognize this year's Hunting & <br />Fishing Day observance by inviting a friend, family member or co-worker to experience <br />the outdoor traditions together and to continue our important work in wildlife <br />conservation. <br />In recognition of past and current conservation achievements of ethical hunters <br />and anglers in Lee County, we the Commissioners of Lee County do hereby proclaim <br />Saturday, September 25, 1999 as: <br />HUNTING AND FISHING DAY IN LEE COUNTY. <br />9/7/99 22 <br />Date Herbert A. Hincks, Chairman <br />