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BOOK 17 P~-OF 923 <br />Lj <br />EXHIBIT "A" <br />PARCEL NO. 1 <br />BEGINNING at an iron pipe in the southerly line of Secondary Road No. <br />1154, known as the Keller Andrews Road, the northwesterly corner of <br />Tract No. 1, as shown and depicted on the map of the property of Sanford <br />Associates, Ltd., recorded in Plat Cabinet 4, Slide 73; thence, with the line <br />between the lands of Sanford Associates, Ltd., and the lands of Garland <br />Perry, South 2 degrees 43 minutes 11 seconds West 685.35 feet to a stake, <br />the southwesterly comer of Tract No. 2, shown on the map recorded in <br />Plat Cabinet 5, Slide 73; thence, as the southerly line of Tract No. 2, South <br />63 degrees 42 minutes 56 seconds East 228.46 feet to a point, a new <br />S corner for the purpose of this description; thence North 2 degrees 43 <br />minutes I 1 seconds east 395.30 feet to a stake; thence North 63 degrees 42 <br />minutes 56 seconds West 212.09 feet to a stake; thence North 2 degrees 43 <br />minutes 11 seconds East 292.77 feet to a stake in the southerly line of <br />Secondary Road No. 1154; thence, with the southerly line of said road, <br />North 73 degrees West 15.48 feet to the point of BEGINNING. <br />Together with the right and easement to construct, install and maintain an <br />underground water line across a 12 foot Easement which lies 6 feet on <br />either side of a line located as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the <br />easterly line of the 2 acre tract hereinbefore conveyed, which beginning <br />point is located North 2 degrees 43 minutes 11 seconds East 6.55 feet from <br />the southeasterly corner of said 2 acre tract; and running thence, as the <br />center line of said Easement, South 63 degrees 42 minutes 56 seconds East <br />176 feet to the northerly line of the Easement held by the Carolina Power <br />and Light Company. <br />PARCEL NO. 2 <br />The fee simple title and estate in a rectangular tract of land containing 1.10 <br />acres, more or less, bounded now or formerly as follows: North, East and <br />West by lands of Garland Perry, and South by the lands of Phillip Brown <br />• and described according to a survey and plat thereof by Bracken & <br />Associates, dated June 25, 1985, as follows: BEGINNING at a corner <br />039 <br />