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® EMU 17 NICE 998® 0 0 3 <br />The Board discussed options for approving proposed subdivisions that cannot <br />meet various standards, such as minimum lot sires. Interim Planning Director Ron <br />Satterfield told the Board that Article IV, Section C of the Lee County Subdivision <br />Ordinance currently provides for subdivision variances when severe topographical or <br />other conditions peculiar to the site exist, or strict adherence to the provisions of the <br />ordinance would cause an unnecessary hardship. Upon recommendation of the Planning <br />Board, the Board of Commissioners may grant a variance to the tens of the ordinance, <br />only to the extent that is absolutely necessary and not to an extent which would violate <br />the intent of the ordinance. He told the Board that Mr. Rich Ducker at the Institute of <br />Government was contacted and Mr. Ducker stated that local governments derive their <br />authority to regulate subdivisions from state law. He said that the state law (General <br />Statutes) does not give staff the authority to make quasi-judicial decisions and that <br />standards should not require substantial interpretation by staff. Mr. Satterfield stated that <br />the Board of Commissioners handle variances to subdivision regulations upon <br />recommendation of the Planning Board on a case by case basis, as required by the <br />Subdivision Ordinance. Mr. Satterfield told the Board that this matter will be studied <br />when the Unified Development Ordinance is finalized. No action was taken on the <br />matter. <br />The Board considered revisions to the Contract for Planning Services between the <br />City of Sanford and the County of Lee. County Manager William Cowan discussed <br />minor changes to the contract that are being proposed by himself and City Manager <br />Leonard Barefoot. After some discussion, Commissioner SaUls moved to approve the <br />revisions as outlined by Mr. Cowan. Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Adams, Gamer, Hincks, Matthews, Pascal, Reives, and SaLIIS <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />The Board considered matters relating to the upcoming school bonds. County <br />Attorney K. R. Hoyle outlined for the Board the bond order and proposed resolution. <br />Commissioner Reives stated that he agreed that there was a need for a new high school <br />and middle school. He is concerned that three of the veteran Board of Education <br />members did not file for re-election this year. He stated that he did not feel comfortable <br />in continuing with the school bond project at this time. He is very concerned that the <br />current leadership of the Board of Education does not plan to see this project through. He <br />stated further that the Board of Commissioners might want to consider looking at this <br />project after the new Board of Education members have served for one year. He also <br />stated that he is not in opposition to the bonds for the Central Carolina Community <br />College. Commissioner Paschal introduced the bond order as follows: <br />3 <br />