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No one spoke in opposition of the rezoning request. <br />Chair Dalrymple declared the public hearing closed. <br />B. The first reading and public hearing advertised for this date and time was <br />held for consideration of adopting an ordinance to allow the sale of alcoholic <br />beverages before noon on Sundays. County Attorney Whitney Parrish stated <br />that on June 29, 2017 the NC General Assembly enacted Senate Bill 155, which <br />was enacted into law on June 30, 2017. Section 4 of the Bill states that "a county <br />may adopt an ordinance allowing for the sale of malt beverages, unfortifled wine, <br />fortified wine, and mixed beverages beginning at 10:00 AM on Sunday pursuant <br />to the licensed premises' permits." Staff was contacted by a business who would <br />be eligible to sell such beverages on Sundays if the County passed the <br />ordinance. At this time, Chair Dalrymple opened the public hearing for <br />comments. <br />No one spoke in favor or in opposition of the proposed Ordinance Allowing <br />the Sale of Alcoholic Beverages before Noon on Sundays. <br />Chair Darlymple closed the public hearing. <br />IV. PUBLIC COMMENTS <br />Pursuant to General Statute § 152A-52.1, Chair Dalrymple opened the floor for <br />Public Comments. The following person signed up to speak and was permitted 3 <br />minutes for comments: <br />- John Kirkman, 3307 English Circle, Sanford, NC (Homeless Task Force) <br />V. OLD BUSINESS <br />Rezoning Request for 1365, 1387, 1411 and 1427 Greenwood Road Sanford NC <br />The Board considered a rezoning request and recommendation from the Planning <br />Board to rezone a 3.76 +/- tract of land located at 1365, 1387, 1411, and 1427 Greenwood <br />Road from the current zoning of Residential Restricted (RR) to Highway Commercial (HC). <br />The property is identified as Tax Parcel 9549-16-1496-00 as depicted on Lee County Tax <br />Map 9549.01 and is illustrated as the remaining portion on a survey map recorded in Plan <br />Cabinet 7, Slide 81 F of the Lee County Register of Deeds Office. Planning Director <br />Marshall Downey and County Attorney Whitney Parrish provided the board with an update <br />on recent changes from the State under NC General Statute § 153A-341 which indicates <br />that in order to adopt a zoning amendment, the Board of Commissioners must adopt a <br />consistency statement and have factual circumstances to provide evidence related to the <br />consistency of the request with current land use and established zoning in surrounding <br />areas. Commissioner Knecht moved to approve a statement on long range plan <br />consistency as it relates to the rezoning request. Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Page 318 <br />