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BCCn $ KE <br />j <br />7. Developers acknowledge that the Project does not include connecting their <br />residence to the water main and that is a matter of contract between them and a licensed <br />plumber of their choice. The expense for such connection is the obligation of the owners <br />of the residence. <br />8. After the completion of the line, the Public Works Director for 'Lee <br />County shall determine the reimbursable cost for the water line and the prevailing footage <br />rate for said water line under the County's reimbursement policy and the District and the <br />Developers shall enter into a reimbursement agreement which shall provide that the <br />District shall charge persons tapping on to said line at the prevailing footage rate and will <br />reimburse the Developers as fees are collected in an amount not to exceed the <br />reimbursable cost of said water line or until the passage of five (5) years from the date of <br />completion of the water line, which ever occurs first. Any fees for connections thereafter <br />shall belong to the District and there will be no right of reimbursement from them. <br />9. Ownership and title to the water line is in the District. <br />WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals, this <br />the day of 200 <br />IIG <br />LEE COUNTY WAT SEWER <br />DISTRICT NO. I <br />(Corporate Sea]) <br />By: <br />Herbert A. Hincks, Chairman <br />Lee County Board of Commissioners <br />sitting as the governing body of the <br />11 M. Lee, Clerk <br />Lee County Water and Sewer <br />District No. 1 <br />WMV. CAMPO: UT MOM' <br />1 for registration on the /—do rte <br />t e Nt. !uww'a; 6e8!srar 01 00" <br />UOLll J. 1 VW <br />