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State Aid Payments, 2017-2018 <br />For FY2017-2018, State Aid payments will be deposited or mailed monthly. Once MOE forms are <br />received from all libraries, each library's total State Aid allocation will be calculated and final monthly <br />payment amounts determined. Until final payments are determined, State Aid payments will be equal to <br />the previous year's monthly amount. <br />Your library's State Aid allocation depends upon: <br />• Adjustments made once the certified budget from the General Assembly is received by the <br />Department of Natural and Cultural Resources. <br />• Adjustments made based on the most recent certified population and per capita income figures. <br />• Adjustments made if any libraries are unable to meet the maintenance of effort requirement. <br />• Adjustments made if any library's match is lower than their State Aid allocation. <br />• Adjustments made if any libraries had an unencumbered operational balance of more than 17 <br />percent of the previous year's operating receipts. <br />If I can be of any assistance as you begin work on the State Aid Application Packet, do not hesitate to <br />contact me at tanva.prokr (a) or 919-807-7415. <br />