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6 OX J8 P.AUE 327 ® 1~ <br />report compiled by Solid Waste Superintendent Joe Cherry and discuss the matter at a <br />later time. <br />Commissioner Matthews asked that a study be completed for "flex time" at the <br />Department of Social Services. She also asked that a "space study" be completed <br />concerning any available space at the Government Center. <br />Commissioner Lemmond discussed proposed additional parking at the <br />courthouse. A drawing of forty-two additional parking spaces was supplied for <br />consideration for another lot at the corner of Ehn Street and COUrtland Drive. Total cost <br />for construction of the lot would amount to 567,474. After some discussion, the <br />consensus of the Board was to look at making this a gravel lot instead of a paved lot <br />which would reduce the cost. <br />All Commissioners stated they enjoyed the retreat and felt that it should be held <br />on a yearly basis. They felt that the Board of Commissioners needed to meet at least <br />once a yearjointly with the Sanford City Council and the Broadway Commissioners. <br />There being no further business to come before the Board, Commissioner <br />Matthews moved to adjourn the retreat. Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Adams, Hincks, Lemmond, Matthews, Paschal, and Sauls <br />Nay: None <br />Absent: Reives <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously and the retreat <br />adjourned at 4:30 p.m. <br />Herbert A. Hincks, 'Ian <br />N CAROUN& UT COf.t <br />n' for for gistration ontt+e -day <br />0 o1~0vp(` d.tua 1i <br />MC.o ed in Book 11t-page_~ <br />.Wie W. Tha«2s, Registe,' of heeds <br />4 <br />