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022 <br />Box 18 F~cE 427 <br />Management Trust if the amount exceeds $2,000. If the amount does not exceed $2,000, <br />the funds will be transferred when $2,000 has accumulated. The County Finance <br />Director will fax a copy of the print out showing the amount transferred to the <br />Municipality's revenue collector each time a transfer is made. At the end of each month, <br />the County Tax Office will reconcile all activity for the month and calculate any <br />necessary adjustment due to errors, releases, refunds, returned checks, etc. If an <br />adjustment is necessary, the County Finance Director will withhold a set amount from the <br />collection due to the Municipality. A copy of the adjustment calculation or adjustment <br />justification will be provided to the Municipality. <br />8. In the event a taxpayer asserts the taxpayer's remedies pursuant to North <br />Carolina General Statute §105-381, including a demand for release or a request for a <br />refund, the County will notify the Municipality of each request and the governing bodies <br />of the County and the Municipality will take individual action upon their respective tax <br />claims pursuant to North Carolina General Statute §105-381(b) and each agrees to handle <br />all refunds, releases, and compromises under the provisions of Article 27, Refunds and <br />Remedy, Chapter 105 of the General Statutes of North Carolina and agrees not to release, <br />refund, or compromise any and all taxes except as provided in Article 27. <br />9. The parties agree that the collection shall be subject to audit by a certified <br />public accountant to be selected by the County. <br />10. The County agrees to print and mail delinquent notices each year on or <br />before July I". <br />11. The parties agree that there shall be at least one advertisement of tax liens <br />on real property for failure to pay taxes pursuant to North Carolina General Statute §105- <br />369. The time of advertisement shall be selected by County. <br />12. The parties agree that all fiscal month closings shall be on the last day of <br />each month with the exception of when the last day falls on a weekend. When the last <br />day falls on a weekend, the fiscal month shall close on the preceding Friday. If the last <br />day falls on a holiday, the fiscal month shall close on the preceding day prior to the <br />holiday except that June 30`h shall be the closing for both the fiscal year and the fiscal <br />month and December 31" shall be the close of the fiscal month and the calendar year. <br />13. The parties agree that there shall be one tax bill which shall indicate a <br />separate total for County and a separate total for Municipality and in addition shall state a <br />grand total of the County and Municipal ad valorem taxes. <br />14. In the event a taxpayer makes a partial payment, the County Tax Collector <br />shall divide the payment equally between the County ad valorem taxes due and the <br />Municipal ad valorem taxes due, except when the taxpayer directs that the money be <br />applied on another basis. <br />