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0 BOX 18 94ti6 021 <br />3. The County will provide to the Municipality a scroll after each applicable <br />running of bills that shows the number of bills prepared. A separate bill will be prepared <br />showing the amount due to the County. The Municipality shall remit payment to the <br />County within thirty (30) days of receipt of such billing report. <br />4. The County Tax Collector shall have complete responsibility for the <br />collection of current and delinquent ad valorem property taxes and delinquent special <br />assessments for the Municipality. The County Tax Collector will exercise the general <br />duties on behalf of the municipality as set forth in North Carolina General Statute §105- <br />350, General Duties of Tax Collector, and further have the right to use all remedies as set <br />forth in Articles 10 and 26 of Chapter 105 of the General Statutes of North Carolina. <br />5. When real property is sold at foreclosure sales for the collection of ad <br />valorem taxes, County agrees to use reasonable efforts to assure that the opening bid is <br />sufficient to pay both the Municipal and County ad valorem property taxes, including <br />taxes, penalties, interest, and such cost as accrued prior to the institution of the <br />foreclosure action. In the event the property is sold for an amount not sufficient to satisfy <br />both the Municipal and County taxes, including penalties, interest, and cost, the money <br />shall be distributed as follows: <br />The County shall first be reimbursed for actual expenses and disbursements made <br />by it in connection with foreclosure action, including cost of advertising, legal fees, and <br />other necessary legal expenses, and any balance remaining after the payment of these <br />expenses shall be distributed to the County and Municipality in proportion of their <br />respective interests. <br />In the event that the County shall become the purchaser at the foreclosure sale, the <br />property shall be held and disposed of pursuant to North Carolina General Statute §105- <br />376(b). <br />6. The Municipality agrees that the County Tax Collector shall be authorized <br />to use all lawful means to collect the ad valorem property taxes on behalf of the <br />Municipality. The Municipality agrees to extend full cooperation from its officials, <br />agents, and employees in the collection of these taxes and further agrees to take no action <br />on behalf of any municipal taxpayer that is influenced by personal or political friendships <br />or obligations. <br />7. The County agrees that in collecting ad valorem taxes for the <br />Municipality, pursuant to North Carolina General Statute §105-354, that these taxes shall <br />be treated in the same manner as taxes of the County. The Tax Collector agrees as to <br />these taxes to follow all procedures as set forth in Article 26, Collection and Foreclosure <br />of Taxes, for the delivery of receipts, releases, and prepayment. The County Tax <br />Administrator will provide to the County Finance Director by 10:00 a.m. each day a <br />report showing the prior day's collections for the Municipality. The collections will <br />include all taxes and garbage fees. The County Finance Director will by 12:00 noon <br />transfer the appropriate funds to the Municipality's account at the North Carolina Cash <br />